Mike Greenberg's Course Materials

In the Spring 2024 semester, I am be teaching two sections of a full-semester online MATH 90/90S that have in-person final exams, and also a late-start hybrid MATH 90 that meets in-person once a week. Please make sure you understand the differences:

CRNs 31583 and 32867: This is MATH 90+90S (with support). You must sign up for both of these. These classes are full-semester classes and are run almost entirely online, with the only in-person meeting being the final. Taking the final in-person is required, and students who do not take it will fail the course. So please only sign up for this if you are capable of coming to campus for the final exam.

CRNs 32864 and 32866: This is MATH 90+90S (with support). You must sign up for both of these. These classes are full-semester classes and are run almost entirely online, with the only in-person meeting being the final. Taking the final in-person is required, and students who do not take it will fail the course. So please only sign up for this if you are capable of coming to campus for the final exam.

CRN 31977: This is a MATH 90 course without support (no 90S). You cannot sign up for this and a MATH 90S course. This is a late-start course that only meets for 12 weeks. It is hybrid, with most of the learning taking place online in Canvas, and once-a-week in-person meetings where students will have discussions, work on problems in groups, and take tests. Students are expected to come to the in-person class meetings, and any student missing more than 3 meetings with be withdrawn from the course. But you have to understand: most of the actual content is presented through videos in Canvas, so you must be prepared to spend at least 15-20 hours per week watching instructional videos, taking notes, doing practice problems, doing the homework, participating in required online discussions, and studying.

You can read more about these courses by clicking on the buttons below. If you have questions, please reach out to me via email at michael.greenberg@mail.ccsf.edu