Contact Info

Students have several ways of getting in touch with me before and during the semester:

Before the Semester Beings

The easiest way to get in touch with me before the semester begins is by sending an email to me at I try to respond to students as quickly as possible, but if it's during the summer or school holidays, I cannot promise that I will respond quickly. I really love to travel, and sometimes I don't have internet access.

During the Semester

During the semester, students can contact me by sending me messages in WebAssign or Canvas. I will do my best to respond to student messages within 48 hours, and I will usually respond significantly more quickly. Please do not expect an immediate response.


I prefer that students send me homework questions by clicking on the "Ask Your Teacher" link that appears next to each homework problem. This is convenient for me because along with your message, I'm able to instantly see the problem you're working on, your solution, and the correct solution. This makes it easier for me to help you.

If you send me a question about a homework problem, please share your calculations and tell me what you tried to do so that I can identify your mistake and figure out the best way to help you. You don't have to write out every single calculation, but if you can show me what you got after each of the main steps with a little bit of explanation, I can usually figure out your mistake pretty quickly, and then I can help you correct it.

If you send me a message along the lines of, "Help! I don't know what I did wrong on this one!" you can expect a response from me along the lines of, "Help! I cannot read your mind! Show me your work!"


You can also send me a message directly using the Canvas Inbox. This is a great way to reach out to me if you have general questions about the course, or if you need to send an attachment (like a photograph of a problem you're working on).

Office Hours

If you want to talk to me in real time, you can reach me during office hours. I expect to have in-person and virtual (via Zoom) office hours in the Fall 2022 semester. These hours will be communicated to students at the beginning of the semester.

NOT Pronto

Please note that I do not use Pronto to communicate with students.