Grade 5 PYP Exhibition

Mr. Steve

So very happy and proud to present our PYP Grade 5 Exhibition. It is the culmination of what has been a rather unique learning experience. Our students have learnt to handle new technologies in the acquisition, sharing and presenting of information. They have worked together to be creative problem solvers, whilst all the time focusing on helping our local communities. These elements have been at the heart of our learning journey.

Ms. grace

The Grade 5 boys should be so proud of themselves for their resiliency and creativity during the exhibition process. Though the journey was not what we expected, students have been able to manage changes and curveballs wonderfully. They have shown initiative and agency throughout this time. It has been such a joy to watch them grow and learn. These are all attitudes and skills that will help students in the future!

Mr. Emmanuel

I'm blessed to be part of these students' journey. We grew together in our specials classes. Their honest, brilliant, and funny ideas steered me to think deeper into our topics. These students have opened their hands, even when they were already full, to assist and help however they can with our special events. To our Grade 5, all of your hard work is paying off. Congrats and cheers to the next part of your adventure!

Ms. Tahireh

Enthusiasm, perseverence and a kind and caring spirit are just a few of the many positive attitudes and dispositions these Grade 5 students have demonstrated throughout the process of this exhibition. I have no doubt that each one of these students will go on to do great things and contribute towards the betterment of society. It has been a pleasure to support you as a mentor!

Ms Mel

The attitude and enthusiasm that these students have approached the entire PYP Exhibition journey has been nothing short of impressive. In a time where the world is suffering the positivity, perseverance, flexibility and communication are just some of the attributes they showcase that make me certain they will approach future endeavours with humility and determination.

Ms.Numwan & ms.Pom

This PYP Exhibition is the best showcase of the work and has shown talents of every students. That is team work, collaboration and how they listen to other people's ideas. They have open mind and have a very good research skill. When all your works are done, it will be published to everyone. Make everyone get good results from everyone's intentions. I believe in these students will have a good and successful future.