Using additive and subtractive construction techniques, design and draw a lunch container of some sort. This could be a lunch box/bag, lunch tray, bento box or invent something new.

Make sure that it has dedicated spaces or compartments for your favorite lunch foods.

  • Draw your lunch container in Isometric

  • make sure that it has dedicated spaces or compartments specifically designed for your favorite lunch food

  • Use arrows and text to label where food goes

  • If you have time, draw in the foods, add color, and beautify!

You will have the rest of class to work on this.

Progress Picture DUE by end of Day (no later than 5pm): Please take a picture of your progress at the end of class and upload it to your student site by 5pm today.

Please upload your completed lunchbox to your student site before the Beginning of class Monday and be prepare to share your drawing with your peers.

Remember! Design drawing is not about who can draw the most real looking design. Design drawing is about your drawing making visual sense.

Other Possible lunch containers: (Examples)