503 HILL STREET, LUFKIN,TEL: 936-632-1139

Healthcare Services ( Chronic Disease & Acute Illness) , Pharmacy Assistance, Women's & Kids' Care, Adult & Children's Immunizations, Infectious Disease Screening

for Uninsured & Low to Moderate Income Families, WIC , Assistance with Medicaid and other program eligibility processing.

Untitled (8 × 11 in) (1).pdf

The Mobile Pantry Program enables the East Texas Food Bank to get out onto the front lines in the fight against hunger by targeting neighborhoods and communities with a high percentage of people facing hunger, and then providing healthy food to those in need. Once the ideal area is identified, the East Texas Food Bank will then partner with community organizations to help find a distribution site, provide volunteers and help spread the word about the program. Mobile Pantry locations give out food once or twice a month at select distribution sites, and there is no documentation or eligibility requirements to participate.

The Benefits Assistance Program helps eligible East Texans complete applications for State social service benefits to acquire the food, and other wrap-around services, they need in times of economic hardship or emergency. Programs we offer assistance for include SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), Medicaid, TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families), CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program), Healthy Texas Women and Medicare Savings Program. Additionally, the Benefits Assistance Program provides referral services for other social service agencies, such as WIC (Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children and housing, shelter and utility assistance programs.

Interagency Revised Brochure 2022.pdf

Support for Homeless & Foster Families & Students
