Our project

In our project, there are different parts :

1) Our reflection on the project:

We wanted to realise a project about the equality between men and women . We would create a structure with different elements that represent the equality between men and women. We would like to incorporate into this structure stereotyped objects about men and women and perhaps other symbols that will represent the true equality that should exist between them.

The first idea of our project:

We would include for example a Barbie doll representing , in our opinion, a wrong image of the ideal woman that is seen by young girls since their childhood. To refute the idea that the scientists are necessarily men, we would include different dates when women were successful in scientific researches for example.

2) Realisation of the project:

During the project, we decided that we wouldn't include some objects as a Barbie doll, a sanitary towel and football. But we included for men a car, a video game, an image of a beer bottle, a lot of cash (false ;) and the color blue. For women we put a dance shoe, a pink doll's tea set, a strip to shave and on this strip we wrote "no poils", a baby's bottle, a little cash (false too ;) and the color pink.

All this object are included in the structure. Also we tied little cardboards with pictures of great men and women in history, past or present. For example there are Rosa Parks who fought against the racial segregation and Rosalind Franklin who was the scientist that found the structure of the DNA (ADN in french). As for the men there are Thomas Hardy who was an English feminist writer and Martin Luther King who fought for the equality of civil rights.

Work in progress... Creation of cardboards.

Beginning of the structure

The objects are here to show sterotypes of men and women. They show what people think of men and women but they aren't the reality or at least should not be. It's the reason why we had created cardboards of great figures of history. It's to make people understand that they don't have to follow these stereotypes because there were women and men who find things for the scientific evolution, who realised exploits, who help the population, who fought for greats reasons, who had differents ideas or opinions from normal people !

Final result of the project

3) After the realisation:

We had chosen the subect of the equality between men and women because it seemed important to us. Through all researches and all reflexion durind the realisation we learnt a lot about this subject, about stereotypes and why isn't the reality. We would like to show what we learnt through our project. We would like to make people that there are no such things only for women and other things only for men.

We should be equal !