Selective Service

Important Selective Service Information for Juniors and Seniors

Young men are required by law to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday with the Selective Service.

To register, visit

Men can pre-register at 17 years and 3 months of age and registration will be held until they reach age 18.

Why is this so important ? Every year, tens of thousands of men turn 26 years of age who failed to register. By then, the registration door is permanently closed.

That means they are unable to:

* receive federally funded college loans and grants

* get into federally funded training and certification programs

* obtain all federal employment

* possibly be hired for many state and local government jobs

* immigrants - documented and undocumented - will have 5 year delay in processing their citizenship application

It may surprise you to know that while over 90% of men register, the Selective Service receives tens of thousands of requests annually from former students trying to reclaim the benefits they have lost because they failed to register.