Pedestrian Bridge


Interstate highway Route 91 spans 290 miles north/south along the Connecticut River. Bridges that  span over 91 and the CT river are limited to mostly vehicle use with occasional narrow walkways alongside traffic. These sidewalks are often littered with trash, feel unsafe and are visually unappealing.  As such, pedestrian, bicycle and other recreational  travel across 91 is difficult and limited.    Your task is to design a prototype bridge that could increase and encourage safe recreational and non motorized travel over the highway,

You will have access to 200 popsicle sticks and wood  glue, cardboard  to build a prototype bridge. The bridge must support a weight of 20 pounds  and span at least 14 inches in length. This means there cannot be any supports touching the floor or base for at least 14 inches (imagine large trucks passing underneath). In addition to meeting the structural and weight bearing requirements, the bridge will be judged on its aesthetics and efficiency of materials (try to use the fewest popsicle sticks possible).


Your prototype will be presented to the class and be scored using a decision matrix judging strength, efficiency and aesthetics. 

A example arch/truss bridge by Mr. McCarthy and daughter Rose McCarthy.  We are still designing some plant features to go on the deck of the bridge. We we inspired by the famous highline bridge from New York City pictured in the above banner.