Learning Targets, Grading,  Standards

Standards Based Grading/Learning Targets

STEAM uses a standards-based grading system in which student learning is measured using evidence related to a set of “learning targets” established by state standards. Each learning target captures 5-10 standards primarily from the MA Science, Technology and Engineering framework, but also from the Digital Literacy, Mathematics and ELA frameworks. A student's final term score will be an average of the 6 learning target scores throughout the semester.  

The Learning Targets being assessed are the following:

LT1: I can design, build, test and evaluate solutions to problems.

LT2: I can relate design and function.

LT3: I can select and use materials and tools appropriately. 

LT4: I can communicate and analyze solutions using digital tools, visual representations, arts and mathematics

LT5: I can describe the processes and scientific reasoning behind solutions.

LT6: I can meet the Longmeadow “Vision of the Graduate” (accountability, independence, problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration and communication)

For each STEAM task or “problem'' students will receive "TEAM" scores and "Individual Portfolio" scores. For each team and individual score, students will be assessed in 2-4 different learning targets. These different learning targets will then be posted in power school. Thus for each larger STEAM task, a student will receive 6-8 different proficiency scores. (For more information on porffolios check out the page on student portfolios)

An example of what the different scores would look like in power school is the following: (from "Mission to Mars-Water Rockets")

 LT1 TEAM: Mission to Mars.     

 LT2 TEAM: Mission to Mars. 

 LT5 TEAM: Mission to Mars

 LT1 Ind. Portfolio: Mission to Mars

 LT2 Ind. Portfolio: Mission to Mars

 LT5 Ind. Portfolio: Mission to Mars

 LT6 Ind Portfolio: Mission to Mars

Students will receive rubrics at the start of each task that guide them on the criteria to meet the different learning targets at the different proficiency levels. In STEAM we focus on using competency levels rather that numerical grades to mimic real world scenarios and encourage growth mindset. The competency levels are as follows:

Exemplary -exemplary understanding of the standard "95"

Accomplished-met the standard at foundation level -"85"

Developing -Almost met the standards -"75"

Beginning -Just starting to meet the standard -"65"

Missing -did not provide evidence -"50"

Here is an example of a rubric on "Save the Penguins". One side is the team score, the other is the individual portfolio score. 

The score of a "100" is giving only if the student's evidence shows exceptional competency and that there isn't much room for improvement. However, if a student receives "exemplary"s in all 6 learning targets at the end of the semester, their grade will be bumped up to an A+ for the semester.

Collaboration/Comuincation/Participation Score 

Each week students will be giving a collaboration/communication/participation score. These scores are determined using data from observational checklists. We will use the "Vision of the Graduate" to help guide these scores. Indicators include (but not limited to):


Students have the opportunity to revise any work within their portfolio. Since portfolio scores are graded by specific learning targets, a student can focus revisions on specific learning targets that they may need work on. The revision policy encourages our growth mindset philosophy and the development of a final portfolio of their learning throughout their middle school years.  Students will need to update their portfolio, complete a revision request form, and then attach the revision request form with their scoring rubric and turn into Mr. McCarthy. 

here is a link to the revision request form

Additional Evidence/Extra Credit

Students have the opportunity to include "other" evidence in their portfolio for additional grades. For example, if the student is building a shed or taken apart old speakers at home, and they share back their experiences and what they learned in their portfolio, then an additional assignment can be created and scored as long as the experience matches with one of our standards.  Students should check in with Mr. McCarthy if they are interested in adding additional evidence into their portfolio.

Standards Covered. 

Below is a list of the MA STE standards that will be covered in 6-8 STEAM.

6.MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution. Include potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. 

6.MS-ETS1-5(MA). Create visual representations of solutions to a design problem. Accurately interpret and apply scale and proportion to visual representations. 

6.MS-ETS1-6(MA). Communicate a design solution to an intended user, including design features and limitations of the solution.  

6.MS-ETS2-1(MA). Analyze and compare properties of metals, plastics, wood, and ceramics, including flexibility, ductility, hardness, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and melting point. 

6.MS-ETS2-2(MA). Given a design task, select appropriate materials based on specific properties needed in the construction of a solution.* Clarification Statement: • Examples of materials can include metals, plastics, wood, and ceramics  

6.MS-ETS2-3(MA). Choose and safely use appropriate measuring tools, hand tools, fasteners, and common hand-held power tools used to construct a prototype.* Clarification Statements: • Examples of measuring tools include a tape measure, a meter stick, and a ruler. • Examples of hand tools include a hammer, a screwdriver, a wrench, and pliers. • Examples of fasteners include nails, screws, nuts and bolts, staples, glue, and tape. • Examples of common power tools include jigsaw, drill, and sander 

7.MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing solutions to a given design problem using a decision matrix to determine how well each meets the criteria and constraints of the problem. 

Use a model of each solution to evaluate how variations in one or more design features, including size, shape, weight, or cost, may affect the function or effectiveness of the solution.*  

 7.MS-ETS1-4. Generate and analyze data from iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process to optimize the object, tool, or process for its intended purpose.*  

7.MS-ETS1-7(MA). Construct a prototype of a solution to a given design problem. 

7.MS-ETS3-1(MA). Explain the function of a communication system and the role of its components, including a source, encoder, transmitter, receiver, decoder, and storage. 

7.MS-ETS3-2(MA). Compare the benefits and drawbacks of different communication systems. Clarification Statements: • Examples of communications systems can include radio, television, print, and Internet. • Examples of benefits and drawbacks can include speed of communication, distance or range, number of people reached, audio only vs. audio and visual, and one-way vs. two-way communication. 

 7.MS-ETS3-3(MA). Research and communicate information about how transportation systems are designed to move people and goods using a variety of vehicles and devices. Identify and describe subsystems of a transportation vehicle, including structural, propulsion, guidance, suspension, and control subsystems. Clarification Statements: • Examples of design elements include vehicle shape to maximize cargo or passenger capacity, terminals, travel lanes, and communications/controls. • Examples of vehicles can include a car, sailboat, and small airplane.

7.MS-ETS3-4(MA). Show how the components of a structural system work together to serve a structural function. Provide examples of physical structures and relate their design to their intended use.  Clarification Statements: • Examples of components of a structural system could include foundation,

decking, wall, and roofing. • Explanations of function should include identification of live vs. dead loads and forces of tension, torsion, compression, and shear. • Examples of uses include carrying loads and forces across a span (such as a bridge), providing livable space (such as a house or office building), and

providing specific environmental conditions (such as a greenhouse or cold storage).

7.MS-ETS3-5(MA). Use the concept of systems engineering to model inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback among components of a transportation, structural, or communication system.

8.MS-ETS2-4(MA). Use informational text to illustrate that materials maintain their composition under various kinds of physical processing; however, some material properties may change if a process changes the particulate structure of a material. Clarification Statements: • Examples of physical processing can include cutting, forming, extruding, and sanding. • Examples of changes in material properties can include a non-magnetic iron material becoming magnetic after hammering and a plastic material becoming rigid (less elastic) after heat treatment. 

 8.MS-ETS2-5(MA). Present information that illustrates how a product can be created using basic processes in manufacturing systems, including forming, separating, conditioning, assembling, finishing, quality control, and safety. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of human vs. computer control of these processes