Meet the Librarian

 My name is Kristin Scott and this is my fifth year as your librarian at PCE. I have been an elementary teacher within Lockhart ISD for 13 years and an elementary librarian for 6 years. 

Fun Fact about me, I previously attended Plum Creek Elementary school as a student when it was a 3rd and 4th-grade campus. 

 I am very excited to be your librarian and can't wait to see the amazing things our students will accomplish this year! 

Picture of Mrs. Scott with her children

The two loves of my life are talked about often in our library. I am lucky enough to have them both as students in the library every week and am also excited to find books with them that they will enjoy reading.

Picture of Mrs. Scott's children

We love to read and watch the show Miraculous Lady Bug together. Sometimes these two even help me cook!

Mr. & Mrs. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Scott with daughter

My husband and I have been together for 12 years. 

I love hanging out with him. 

He is a master electrician and is really good at what he does. He also loves sitting in on our family story times, listening to his daughter or me read.

He is also a master of tickle or pillow fights.

We have the best time jamming out in the car with our kiddos while on our way to our favorite past time, SWIMMING. 


Raider would have definitely made the BEST library dog! 

He loved books but knew he was not supposed to eat them!

Raider passed away due to cancer, but we still love him and miss him all the same.

Mrs. Hamblin and Blakely

Mrs. Hamblin is my mom.

She is also a world class library volunteer. Our students get to see her working in the library all the time. 

She also helped paint our school's beautiful butterfly mural.

Mrs. Scott's family

Enjoying the Fourth of July celebration & fireworks at the City Park.

Mrs. Scott meeting an author and illustrator

I was able to meet my first author and illustrator at TLA 2019 and I look forward to meeting many more! These ladies are the creators of the story, "Help Me Mr. Mutt" do you know who they are?