

Weeding is an essential part of the development of a collection. The Library Media Specialist will be responsible for the weeding of unsuitable and out of date resources. Teachers and staff are invited to review items marked for withdrawing as the final decision for collection development will be the Library Media Specialist. The purpose of weeding:

  • To provide the utmost quality resources that will enrich and develop the needs of the curriculum, the needs of the students, and the needs of the faculty.

  • To provide a collection for reference that is current and accurate.

  • To implement effective use of space in the PCE Library allowing resources to be more visible and accessible.

  • To provide a collection that is appealing to promote the use and care for PCE Library resources.


  • Physical appearance: discard items that are worn beyond repair an those that have an appearance discouraging readers.

  • Outdated and incorrect materials: information and/or illustrations are out-of-date or information or has been replaced with an updated or newer edition.

  • Bias: terminology contains bias or is considered biggoted or sexist.

Collection Maintenance

The Library Media Specialist will use the MUSTIE acronym for weeding within the collection.

M = misleading, factually inaccurate

U = ugly, book is worn, torn, or in disrepair

S = superseded by a newer edition

T = trivial; no real discernible value

I = irrelevant to the needs and interests of the community

E = elsewhere available, inter library loan available


Once weeded, materials will be offered in the following order to outside sources: staff, students, and other libraries within the district. Any materials in irreparable condition will be discarded or recycled. All information that identifies the materials ownership will be removed. Library Media Specialist will follow steps within the district’s library catalog system, Destiny Follett, to delete the weeded copy from records.


The school district and staff will continuously evaluate resources for quality following the above mentioned policy. The PCE Library will be evaluated/reevaluated by students, teachers, staff and specialists on an ongoing basis.

Sources:Magi, T. J., Garnar, M., & American Library Association. (2015). Intellectual freedom manual (9th ed.). Chicago, IL: ALA Edition.Mardis, M. (2016). The collection program in schools: Concepts and practices. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. South Pike School District. (2019). Library Media Center Policies and Procedures Manual. Retrieved July 1, 2019, from South Pike School District website: http://www.southpike.org/docs/district/library%20sp%20policies%20and%20procedures%20handbook%20(2)revised.docx?id=1968