
Key Points....

*Registration will open October 2, 2023

*Courses begin October 9, 2023

*Courses must be completed by November 26, 2023

*Each course is limited to 30 participants.

*Use the embedded form to the right to register for a course.

*You may register for a maximum of two Mastery Badge Courses to be taken simultaneously.  Your second choice will be granted if space is available in that course.

*You may NOT register for two courses in the same strand. Courses build on one another, so if you take two courses, they must be in different strands.

*Expect an email on or before January 8 with the required steps to finalize your registration that day.  Your registration is not complete until you follow those steps.  

Available Courses Spring of 2023:    

PBIS - Badge #1  

PBIS - Badge #2 

PBIS - Badge #3  

PBIS - Badge #4

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol  Badge #1

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol  Badge #2

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Badge #3

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Badge #4

Growth Mindset - Badge#1   

Growth Mindset - Badge #2

Growth Mindset - Badge #3

Growth Mindset - Badge #4

Culture & Language - Badge #1   

Culture & Language - Badge #2

Culture & Language - Badge #3

Class Registration Form

Courses are designed to follow these basic parameters but please refer to your course syllabus for your exact deadlines and tasks.

General Grading Plan

15% - Final Reflective Paper (2 pages) & Mastery Demonstration Task - Typically a Video of Teaching or Lesson Plan (approximately 2 hours of work)

35% - Various Tasks - Typically watching videos or reading articles and writing reflections to share with other participants (approximately 10 hours of work) 

50% - Collaboration - Postings on either the Google Classroom or Teaching Channel platform as well as responding to reflections by other participants (approximately 4 hours of work)

General Outline

Courses will contain 4 deadlines.   The first 3 deadlines will be at approximately 1/3 of the class each.  The final deadline will be for the Final Reflection & Mastery Demonstration Task.

Deadline Extensions - An extension to a deadline may be requested in writing no less than 1 week before the deadline.  The extension request must included a legitimate reason for not being able to meet the deadline.  Request approval is at the discretion of the badge facilitator.