Frequently Asked Questions

  • When must a badge level class be completed? - These are semester long courses through UAA and must be completed within the semester in which they were enrolled. (refer to the syllabus for exact dates and requirements)

  • Do these courses meet over VTC on specific dates? No class is set up with scheduled whole group VTCs. All courses do have assignments with specific deadlines for completion. However these will be due during multiple week long windows of time making it possible to work around your other commitments. (refer to the syllabus for exact dates and requirements)

  • When I go to the site I can not see the forms? Make sure you are logged into your lksd email account only while viewing. The problem seems to be related to trying to view the shared forms while another non-lksd gmail account is open. Email kevin_lopez@lksd if this problem persists.

  • Do I need to order the book listed in the syllabus for the class? LKSD is ordering the books necessary for the class and will provide them to the participants.

  • What is the difference between CHAMPS and PBIS and if I'm a CHAMPS Coach at my site will it all be a repeat of what I know? PBIS is the umbrella that CHAMPS is under. CHAMPS can be a part of the PBIS framework in your school, so if you've had extensive training in CHAMPS there will be some overlap, but the PBIS course goes much deeper into the use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices to guide students toward positive and productive behaviors.

  • Are badge courses available to Associate Teachers? Yes, Associate Teachers are welcome to participate fully, however we are aware of the course load many of our associate teachers are already under so there should be no pressure to do so.

  • Are badge courses available to Site Administrators? Site Administrators are welcome and even encouraged to participate in the Master Level Badge courses, however, as the professional development leader at your school, Advisor and Mentor level stipends do not apply.

  • How might this work for a non-classroom employee such as a Dean or Counselor? The easiest solution would be for you to find a cooperating teacher willing to let you work with their class for specific course level tasks and assignments. Please know that if you are interested in participating, but find yourself in a unique situation where the norm may not be available, we will do our best to work with you to develop a creative solution to meet the requirements for the different badge levels.