What is a Scientist?


What is a scientist? Look closely at these pictures. What do you notice? What do you wonder? What do these pictures make you think about? Try to complete this section with an adult.


Spend time looking closely at this section and engaging with each activity. Try to complete this section with an adult.

Print and cut apart the test tubes so that the words are separate from the definition. Mix them up and have the child match up the parts.


Choose which activities in this section you would like to explore. There are some things to read, write, and do. Complete one, some, or do them all!

Scientist book


Choose at least one activity to complete. Be prepared to share your experience with an adult at home or your teacher.

Pay special attention the questions that Ada wants answered. How does she find out the answers? Is Ada Twist really a scientist?


What does a scientist doing science look like? Draw a picture of a scientist. Now draw another picture of yourself doing science in school or at home. What is the same? What is different? When you do science, are you a scientist? YES!


Ask and answer a question like a scientist! Do all pea pods have the same number of peas? Get some pea pods from the store. Print and use the booklet to practice recording your findings.


Have you ever had a question that you didn't know the answer to? Scientists spend their days trying to answer questions. Use this site to explore some questions AND answers.



Demonstrate your learning! Your teacher may ask you to share your experience on your Canvas page.

Share what you learned about being a scientist with another person. You are a scientist too! How do you observe, explore, and learn new information?

Have you learned about what it means to be a scientist? Which emoji shows how you feel about your learning?


More optional options to explore this topic if you choose!