What is a Phenomenon?


Look closely at these images of phenomena. What do you notice? What do you wonder? What questions do you have?

slug eating mushroom

changing rivers

exploding seeds

Natural phenomena are observable events that occur in the universe. We can use our science knowledge to explain or predict these events.


Spend time looking closely at this section and engaging with each activity. Try to complete this section with an adult.

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Science phenomena passage (1).pdf


Choose which activities in this section you would like to explore. There are some things to read, write, and do. Complete one, some, or do them all!


Choose at least one activity to complete. Be prepared to share your experience with an adult at home or your teacher.

In your science journal write a definition of what a phenomenon is in your own words. You may describe your favorite phenomena from this website and add it to your definition.


Get a piece of paper. Draw and color an example of an everyday observable event that can be considered a phenomena.


Read books on Epic about science topics that interest you. Pay special attention to the images used in the book that cause you to wonder or ask questions. If you do not have access to Epic you can use this book.


Have you ever had a question that you didn't know the answer to? Scientists spend their days looking at phenomena and trying to explain how or why things are happening. Use this site to explore some questions AND answers.



Demonstrate your learning! Your teacher may ask you to share your experience on your Canvas page.

Share what you learned about being phenomenon with another person. You can observe, explore, and learn new information.

Have you learned how to define scientific phenomenon? Which emoji shows how you feel about your learning?


More optional options to explore this topic if you choose!
