Pushes and Pulls


Look closely at this phenomena. What do you notice? What do you wonder? What questions do you have?

These slinky tricks show how forces (pushes and pulls) change the direction an object is moving.

A force is a push or pull. Sometimes forces cause objects to move, and sometimes forces slow, stop, or change the direction of an object's motion.


Spend time looking closely at this section and engaging with each activity. Try to complete this section with an adult.

Reading Forces (3rd)


Choose which activities in this section you would like to explore. There are some things to read, write, and do. Complete one, some, or do them all!

1 September, 2020 - Loom Recording (1).mp4

Online Game


Choose at least one activity to complete. Be prepared to share your experience with an adult at home or your teacher.

What would life be like without gravity? At first, it might be fun to float around in space whenever you wanted. But would it get tiring after a while? What things about your life today would change? How would you play sports? Take a shower? Eat a bowl of cereal? Think about how these things would be different in a world without gravity. Have fun brainstorming about what life might be like without a physical force we all take for granted!


Get a piece of paper. Draw and color an example of force. Explain your drawings to another person.

For example, the girl is using force to pull the kite. The kite is being pulled by the wind, but gravity is also pulling it towards the ground. The girl and dog are staying on the Earth and not floating away. The girl is running but the friction under her shoes helps her stop.


Read books on Epic about force and motion that interest you. Pay special attention to the information in the books that cause you to wonder or ask questions. If you do not have access to Epic you can use this book.


Have you ever wondered how fast a feather can fall or how can gravity keep us on the ground? Explore this wonder on Wonderopolis to find out!



Demonstrate your learning! Your teacher may ask you to share your experience on your Canvas page.

Share what you learned about force with another person.

Have you learned how to define force, push, and pull? Which emoji shows how you feel about your learning?


More optional options to explore this topic if you choose!

1 September, 2020 - Loom Recording.mp4