Earth's Features


Look closely at these images of phenomena. What do you notice? What do you wonder? What questions do you have?

volcano image from space

geyser right before it erupts

earthquake disrupts drivers

Natural occurrences often have observable patterns. We will gather information about North American examples of volcano and earthquake activity and mountain ranges to find patterns in the data.


Spend time looking closely at this section and engaging with each activity. Try to complete this section with an adult.

Gather Information
Dionisio Pulido

Major volcanoes of Mexico located on the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt.

Student Journal Pages


Choose which activities in this section you would like to explore. There are some things to read, write, and watch. Complete one, some, or do them all!

14 September, 2020 - Loom Recording.mp4


Choose at least one activity to complete. Be prepared to share your experience with an adult at home or your teacher.

In your science journal communicate what you have learned. Where are earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges found in North America? What patterns did you notice?


Get a piece of paper. Draw and color a map that demonstrates where earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain ranges are usually found. Think about the their position on our continent. Make sure to include a legend!


Read books on Epic about earthquakes, volcanoes, and other natural events. If you do not have access to Epic you can use this book.


Have you ever wondered about magma or how it comes out of a volcano? Use this site to explore some questions AND answers.



Demonstrate your learning! Your teacher may ask you to share your experience on your Canvas page.

Share what you learned about natural occurrences such as volcanoes and earthquakes with another person. Communicate how you observed, explored, and learned new information.

Have you learned how to describe the patterns found in Earth's features? Which emoji shows how you feel about your learning?


More optional options to explore this topic if you choose!

Plate Tetonics Comic