Starting To Plan

Looking to the future...

Transition planning is a student-centred and student-focused process that begins by engaging and wondering with the student to determine what they would like to do after they complete their secondary school journey. The transition planning process should begin within the first two years of high school to help the student create a vision for their future. Though the process is centred on the student, it is also informed by those who know the student well including school staff, families/caregivers, and support people such as community agency staff. During school transition planning meetings, information on students’ strengths, interests, and needs are identified so as to determine possible pathways and opportunities to explore. The outcome of this process is a fulsome transition plan that outlines the goals, steps, and supports required to make a smooth transition from secondary school to adult life.

Where should I start?

Here are some useful tools that students can use to help them begin to think about what they would like to do after secondary school. Students are encouraged to sit down with the helpful support people in their life so they can begin to brainstorm. 

Multidisciplinary Integrated PreplanningTransition Plan 2.docx

Pre-Planning Form

Transition Planning Guide 2015 Editable Edition.pdf

My Transition Plan


Vision Tool


F-Words Profile

What else do I need? 

It is a good idea to gather the following documents/apply for the following items when you begin on your transiton planning journey. 

Don't forget about other important transition planning documents including a transition planning checklist!