Developmental Services Ontario

You must be at least 16 years old to apply for Developmental Services Ontario (DSO). In addition, you must have a valid health card and birth certificate. 

To apply for DSO, you will need documentation from school staff that might include an IEP, report card, and recent psycho-educational assessment report. 

The Transition Planning Coordinator and/or your Family Support Worker from a community agency will help you with your DSO Package.  

After you apply for DSO, you will receive a letter of confirmation of eligibility in the mail. Please note that the expected wait time is two to three months. 

If you are eligible, ensure that you store the letter safely with your important documents as you will need to access at 18 for the Ontario Disability Support Program. Note also that you may be eligible for Passport Funding.

If you are not eligible, contact your Transition Planning Coordinator/Teacher/Community Agency for continued support. 

Here is more information about DSO