
Community Inclusion Programs

Here is a selection of community inclusion programs that you could explore:

Ongwanada - Crescent, Balsam, and Stay Programs

Offers community participation supports for adults with a developmental disability who are interested in pursuing non-vocational goals, life skills development, sensory stimulation, social and recreational opportunities, health promotion, and community inclusion.

Community Living Kingston

Community Living Lennox and Addington

Community Living North Frontenac

Three sites provide non-vocational community-based alternatives for individuals with a developmental disability. Support offered for volunteering, sport and recreation, education, skills building and seniors.


Provides services and supports to individuals who have a developmental disability and their families with a focus on enhancing healthy, social, and educational lifestyles.

H'art Centre

Non-profit, charitable arts hub offering high-quality opportunities for people with disabilities and those facing barriers to create, study and produce works in the arts. Our mandate includes the development programs, activities, events, partnerships, collaborations, and enterprises, to foster such opportunities so all people can participate in the arts throughout their lives and as they age.

Bloom Skills Centre

Bloom Skills Centre offers accessible skills training and learning opportunities for young adults with intellectual and developmental exceptionalities.

New Leaf Link

New Leaf Link (NeLL) is a rural non-profit organization that champions the abilities and interests of adults with developmental and physical disabilities through programming in arts, healthy living, and community participation. 

Access2 Card

The Access 2 Card program helps to ensure that entertainment, cultural and recreational opportunities are more available and accessible to all. 

Partners For Planning

Partners for Planning empowers people with a disability and their families with resources to create meaningful lives and secure futures, firmly rooted in community. Here you will find free webcasts on a variety of subjects, toolkits and other important information. 


Connor graduated from LCVI in 2020 and began at Bloom Skills Centre in 2022. He gained job skills, social skills, and work experience while at Bloom and has gone on to secure employment at Costco.