Data Sets

Below you will find to sets of synchrotron data that are accessible to the public and are a good foundation to start on when it comes to understanding synchrotron data. Take a look at these data sets!


With the TREE program, students from across Canada can be part of a national research program to study the environmental history of their own community. The MAD Lab (studying tree growth) and the CLS Education team (studying chemistry) are able to look at trembling aspen tree cores and the soil surrounding the tree to analyze the chemical composition and connect that information to a timeline of environmental events that have impacted your community. Below is an up-to-date map covering all the schools involved in the TREE Program since it's beginning in 2019. Clicking on any of the map locators will bring up the school name and a link to their XRF data that was collected at the CLS, in conjunction with the data collected from MAD Lab.

LiSSE Data

Check out our Light Source Student Experience posters to see synchrotron data on fruits, vegetables, and soil
Check out our Light Source Scavenger Hunt that engages students with synchrotron data, Indigenous content, and fruits and vegetables
LiSSE Poster 20180607.pdf

LiSSE 2018 Poster

LiSSE Poster Food Science 20170825.pdf

LiSSE 2017 Food Poster

LiSSE Poster Soil Science 20170825.pdf

LiSSE 2017 Soil Poster

3Taste of Synchrotron Science Combined Soil Data Poster.pdf

LiSSE 2016 Soil Poster