Whether you're looking for a mentor/coach, want to do yoga, or some combination, we can work together to find the right type of sessions for you. And, while this page is called "Individual Services," if you & a friend want to do yoga togehter, we can make that happen! Basically, if you're interested in something specific, contact me so we can chat.
If you're an ally to spoonies, disabled people, queers, fat people & want to know how to better support them, let's set up some coaching sessions!
Peer Support & Coaching
Peer support allows you to talk with someone who has been through similar experiences & who can share what they've learned with you. As a certified peer supporter, I'm simply a person with similar lived experience offering compassion & support to those who want it. I'm not a therapist & am not a substitute for one. But I can work to help you find what works to empower you to get closer to the 'you' you want to be.
I have lived experience with the following:
chronic illnesses (being a spoonie)
being queer & nonbinary in a binary cisheteronormative world
surviving domestic violence/emotional abuse
being fat
being disabled
living with mental illnesses
being neurodivergent
family estrangement
If you think connecting with someone who knows what you're going through would help you, set up an intro chat with me so we can create a plan.
Inclusive & Accessible Yoga & Meditation Private Sessions
Have you always wanted to do yoga & meditation but thought you couldn't because you're told old, not flexible enough, too fat, your brain's too noisy, or you're too whatever? I want to show you that you can do yoga and meditate! Yoga is so much more than what you see on TV or in magazines. If you can breathe, you can do yoga. For most of the time that I've practiced yoga & meditation, I've rarely had a teacher who looked like me or who knew what to do with my body. In order to keep doing yoga, I had to learn on my own how to make adjustments. As a teacher, I've worked with people who couldn't get up off the floor for their practice, who practice entirely in a chair, people who use a chair as a prop, & those doing a more 'traditional' practice like you see on TV. If you want to see if you can benefit from yoga & meditation, let's talk & I'll show you how yoga can be adjusted to fit you.
Ally Support & Education Private Sessions
allies to queer, spoonie, disabled, etc
Are you the parent, partner, or friend to someone living with a chronic illness, who is queer or transgender/nonbinary, disabled, or in some other situation where you need support so you can support others in your life?
I've received amazing support from so many people in my life. But I've also been shamed & criticized by those who should've supported me. Sometimes the unsupportive person meant well, sometimes they meant exactly as it seemed. In reality, it usually makes little difference because, most of the time, impact is more important than intent.
If you want to be able to provide the best support you can but aren't sure how, I can help. Obviously, I'm not the person you're trying to support so I can't tell you exactly what they want or need. What I can do though, is I can help educate you on what their life is like in general & also on ways to find out how to support them like they need & want.
I can help best when the person you're trying to support is living with a similar experience as I am such as:
chronic illnesses (being a spoonie)
being queer & nonbinary in a binary cisheteronormative world
surviving domestic violence/emotional abuse
being fat
being disabled
living with mental illnesses
being neurodivergent
family estrangement
If you need support for yourself so you can support others, let's chat!
Patient Wellness Advocate
Managing our healthcare system, trying to get a diagnosis, even just getting through a doctor's appointment can be difficult & exhausting. As someone who has spent over a decade navigating the medical industrial complex, I know how disheartening & isolating the process can be. I can help support you before, during, or after a specific medical appointment or ongoing through a healing process. Let's talk so we can see how I can use my experiences to help you in your wellness journey.