What is a spoonie?

Spoonies are people living with chronic illness/pain & comes from The Spoon Theory by Christina Miserandino.

What is a singleton?

Singletons, as opposed to systems, are people who don’t have dissociative identity disorder (DID). Go here to learn more about DID. 

What is somatics?

According to Healthline, "somatics describes any practice that uses the mind-body connection to help you survey your internal self and listen to signals your body sends about areas of pain, discomfort, or imbalance. 

Basically, somatics involves learning to listen to and feel safe in our bodies. 

Is peer support the same as therapy?

No. Peer support isn't therapy & isn't meant to replace therapy.  I have no professional training in mental healthcare.  I'm simply a person with similar lived experience offering compassion & support to those who want it.

What is a peer recovery supporter?

Been there, done that. 

That's how i quickly explain what a peer mentor is. someone who's been there, done that. We're someone who has lived experience with mental illness, coming out as queer/ trans, or whatever you're looking for support with. Traditionally, peer mentors have been employed in recovery services for mental health & substance use disorder. But as the success of working with a peer mentor becomes more widely known, we're being added to more care teams, including for people with physical illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, or asthma. 

More & more of us are also moving out on our own - to peer service private practices. My yoga offerings have always naturally had an element of peer support whether they were group classes or private sessions. In an effort to be as well equipped as possible to help those who come to me I decided to get certified as a peer recovery supporter & am making it more of an official part of my offerings. 

If you need additional support in your life, consider scheduling a free intro call with me. Peer mentoring isn't therapy & shouldn't be considered a replacement for professional mental or physical healthcare. But, peer support can offer you a place to connect with someone who's been through similar experiences. I can help you determine what your current goals are & what steps are needed for you to reach those goals. Or it can be a place for you to simply vent & express your feelings without judgment. 

If you're interested in becoming a peer recovery supporter, you can find out the certification requirements for your state here.

What do I have experience with?

I've had varied experiences & have offered peer support to those with:

Do I have to do yoga?

Don't let the yoga part of my offerings scare you off. First, how we spend our time together is decided by you. If you don't want to do any yoga, we won't. But also, I like to let people know that yoga is much more than what we normally see portrayed in western media. While it can include the physical poses that we often see thin, able-bodied, white women doing, it also includes meditation & breathwork. 

Living in a fat, disabled, chronically ill body means that I've always had to make adjustments when practicing yoga. And for most of my practice my teachers had no idea what to do with my body. I had to figure out those adjustments on my own. So regardless of your ability, if you want to do yoga, we can work together to find a practice that meets you where you're at.