RUssell's Friends @ BBE 

Honeybee Models & Hotels

Robot + Brick 

Play System

Miniature Treehouse Characters

Supreme Court Mock Trial

For the Current News Feature Please Click HERE 

Please ask your child to see his/her Google Classroom

Additional project details and photos are available to view in the GC 

(Click HERE for access instructions)

General Information can be found below

For District Info Click HERE 

GT Parent Information Night Presentation


Students attend class 90 minutes per week, generally in two 45-minute classes.

2023-2024 Calendar

August 28 - September 8 

September 11 

September 13 

January 1 - 31

Mid February

Beginning March 18th

quotes from RuSSELL'S Friends

"Class helps me to push my thinking."

"Class helps kids who want a challenge and teamwork."

"Class allows me to express my crafts in LOTS of ways."

"Class makes my school day much better."

"Class allows me to engineer."

"Class has given me smarts that I never had before."

"Class shows me that every challenge has a solution and teaches me to be creative."

"Class helps expand your sense of wonder."

"Class expands and exercises your brain."

"Class allows you to improve on things you mess up on and become more creative."

"Class helps with my stress and challenges my brain to just have fun and make more friends than I thought I could."

"Class give kids time away from class to do new things."

"Class challenges us to use our own minds."

"Class helps us perform to the best of our ability."

"Class challenges us to improvise and work hard."

"Class makes kids think harder and extend."

"Class matters because it is fun."

"Class challenges you to work harder and be the best you can be."

"Class helps me test my mind and push it harder than I think I can."

"Class allows you to work at your own pace."

"Class allows kids who think differently do projects."

"Class makes me push myself to try harder."

"Class is a fun addition to school that not everyone gets to experience."

"Class helps those who are smarter than average."

"Class is important because kids don't get challenged enough in regular class."