News Features

Mrs. Russell's Friends

April 2024

Wrapping Up & Celebrating Spring Products and Presentations


Students will make, build and create as they learn about being flexible thinkers and how to tackle new challenges.

How can I use my creative mind to think fluently, use flexibility and originality, and elaborate?

Students have been studying how to be a "maker", create a blueprint of their idea and build a prototype. Students have also been exploring consumable and non-consumable materials for use in the GT classroom while tackling challenges presented by their teacher.

Maker Challenge: Build a staircase  using Keva Planks that a ball can roll down

Maker Challenge: Use Keva Planks and other objects to build a face 


Students will present their self-simile poems and portraits to peers.

How does each part of my portrait connect to my character traits, likes, strengths, gifts, talents, and genius type?

Students composed a self-simile poem with the characteristics described above and then created 3D objects to represent each part of their poem. They painted fun faces, many using their favorite colors, designed their hair and T-Shirts, and then added the 3D objects as parts of their facies. Final product pictures to come and on display in the 1st-grade hallway!

Creating Curls for a Self Portrait

Making Hair Out of Yarn


Students will act as "employees" of an arcade where friends are invited to play.

What do employers need to do to prepare for visiting customers in an arcade? 

Students completed their games and spent several days testing each other's work as well as preparing tickets, bags of coins, and a prize store for Arcade Day. Students will be expected to "man" their games by collecting and counting coins to determine income, keeping up with points earned and awarding tickets, and making sure all friends who come to play have a great time!

Prize Store Manager Sets up The Shopping Area

Sorting Coins for Customers to Play Arcade Games


Students will research a person on the "Periodic Table of STEM" and prepare a mystery box for the individual chosen.

What can I discover about a famous person in STEM and what clues will I collect for my mystery box?

Students spent several class periods collecting information on their chosen person in STEM. Next, they will create a mystery box for the person including artifacts, questions, invention/discovery clues, and other fun facts. Parents will be invited to visit and act as detectives who try to solve the mystery of the STEM person each box represents.

Researching Person of STEM for Mystery Boxes

Mystery Boxes in Progress

Guess Who?


Students will update GT portfolios to include the Rube Goldberg project and begin brainstorming their purpose for next school year.

How will I showcase my learning and create purpose for my 5th grade year?

Students completed their parent Rube Goldberg presentations and are moving on to thinking about their hopes and dreams for their last year at BBE. The final project for this year will be to come up with a purpose hashtag and related purpose quote or statement. Students will also be challenged to write a 6-word story that best represents who they are in different areas of their lives.

Product & Presentation Day 

Great Visitor Turnout and Excellent Tips for Popping the Balloon!

#OurPurpose Project


Students will build individual civilizations and connect them to the larger society.

How does my civilization support the greater good?

Students have been building and creating landscapes, buildings, agricultural and newly invented products, and types of transportation for their societies. Next, they will make their individual flags and vote on a capital city. If time permits, some even have plans to make a stop-motion video showing all the action going on within their city. Parents will be invited to see this project up close as soon as it is completed.

MountLandia Society in Progress

R & H Landia Society in Progress

ParentResources (1).docx.pdf