School Inspection and the Benefits of iPad

What did Ofsted inspectors make of your use of iPad across the school?

'And it was really gratifying for Ofsted inspectors to notice the learning benefits of using the iPad in ways that we hadn't necessarily put on our school development plan such as using iPad for reading. But actually it was something that really paid off, and they could see that happening.'

Tim Lings, Director of Digital Learning- Heronsgate Primary School

How do you manage evidence of learning and do you use it with external inspection frameworks?

'Showbie is a great way of just saying our digital learning space is just as important as books, and you need to spend some time looking there, too. It's not just a digital kind of dumping ground where we just throw stuff in, it's given a place; parents have access to see what's going on in Showbie. So our digital learning is given as much value as learning that ends up in the books.'

Tim Lings, Director of Digital Learning- Heronsgate Primary School