Effective Change Management Approaches

How do you manage the change required?

'Before all, we kind of dived into using iPads about how it would work in our school, how we would manage the combination of new devices, the combination of lots of training for teachers, because I think maybe one of our teachers had used iPads before, but also, more importantly, to frame those things in what do we actually want the technology to help us achieve''

David Maguire, Headteacher Coupals Primary Academy - Haverhill

How do you manage technology adoption?

'The reason we've been able to sustain our use of technology and continue is because our end goal is always about impact on learners. And so when we're thinking about change we always ensure that we were thinking about our 'why' would we choose to make these changes when we are adopting technology."

Cassey Williams - Deputy Headteacher, Shacklewell Primary School - New Wave Federation

How do you support staff development?

'Providing professional development for teachers is so important to make iPad work in your school. And we do that in a range of different ways.'

Tim Lings, Director of Digital Learning- Heronsgate Primary School

What are your next steps in your technology adoption journey?

'So teachers have used greenscreen at some level using various different apps, but now it's built into iMovie - you can just use greenscreen effects really easily. So I've got lots of plans of trying to paint different walls in the school green. So there's always that space that teachers can go to and just record a greenscreen activity.'

Tim Lings, Director of Digital Learning- Heronsgate Primary School