Effective Teaching & Learning with iPad

What does effective teaching and learning look like with iPad?

'I think our experience as a school of using iPads is that we found them incredibly straightforward to manage.

But more importantly, the way that we can deploy them in class makes them a far more mobile device. It makes them a device which really chimes with our teaching and learning approaches and through some of the features and settings that are available'

David Maguire, Headteacher Coupals Primary Academy - Haverhill

How does iPad help improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning?

'The iPad is an effective tool to support teaching and learning because of the choice that gives our teachers and learners and the opportunity for creativity.'

Cassey Williams - Deputy Headteacher, Shacklewell Primary School - New Wave Federation

How do iPad help you achieve your school T&L vision and ethos?

'We utilise iPad for teacher workflow because it gives teachers a great way to showcase learning, to demonstrate, to capture learning, to assess work really quickly, and it helps them become more efficient and reduce workload. And for the learner, it gives them the tools to showcase their ideas so they can explain their thinking. They can create work for an audience really easily.'

Simon Pile Deputy Headteacher - Anson Primary School

How does iPad help improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning?

'The iPad can turn into a recording studio or a mixing software with GarageBand or you can record and edit high-definition video in iMovie, or just throw together video ideas and clips or there's a word processor on there. All this software is built in and is really quite uniquely powerful in what children are able to accomplish on a device. We find that just really useful.'

Tim Lings, Director of Digital Learning- Heronsgate Primary School

How can iPad help build pupil portfolios?

'Every child having an iPad that they can take out and use all of a sudden means that teachers can record progress, can record work, and also children can analyze the things they've done in the PE lesson by recording and watching it back. So there's a real power, the portability of the iPad in terms of building that portfolio to'

David Maguire, Headteacher Coupals Primary Academy - Haverhill