Special Thanks to Mrs. Tammy Nash, our long term sub for part of this semester, who worked tirelessly to help all Creative Writing students continue to grow and develop their writing skills while Mrs. Huffstetler was gone. You did a truly phenomenal job! 

Thank you so much for all that you did to help us grow as writers! 

Olivia Farrell


For this very fun assignment, we made inspirational poems. We chose a word and wrote a poem about what it means and how it can inspire other people, whether it be for worse or better. I learned how to compare a mere word to real life situations and other things that I never would have thought about if it weren't for this assignment.

The Outside Garden - Olivia Farrell

Olivia Farrell

The Outside Garden

For this assignment, we had to go outside and write a peom about what it looked, sounded, smelt, felt like. For mine, I chose to write about the sun, the sky, the birds, the largest tree in sight, the large pile of rocks, etc. I learned how to look at something, come up with metaphors and other figurative language, and then turn all that into a poem.  

Jacob A


The assignment was to make random poem, and we had to add pictures to match the thing in our poem. I picked an acrostic poem about panthers, and some pictures of a panther in a jungle, a panther hunting prey, and others. We learned how to use figurative language to make a poem suspenseful.

Jacob A


The assignment was to make a haiku poem, with the syllable 5, 7, 5 about some form of nature. I picked a sun for one of the options, and I made it about a person in the heavens, smiling down on earth. In the assignment we learned how to use figurative language and syllables in poetry. 

Sun and Moon

By: Skylar

I wrote a haiku about the sun and the moon. 

Fairytell retell/Lexie Dooley

The Wolf's Time to Talk

                 By: Lexie Dooley

For this assignment, we were supposed to take an ordinary fairy tale and write it from the antagonist's point of view. I did mine about little red riding hood. I learned more about adding figurative language into my writing. 

The Tree

By: Lexie Dooley 

For this assignment, we created traditional Japanese poems called, Haikus. These poems follow a specific structure of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables. I wrote my poem about a tree. 

ANylah Edmonds

Banina Banana's Story


for this assignment we were challenged with the task of creating a brand new character with emotions and physical traits and put in a story. for my story i wrote about a banana who was in love with a monkey. i learned about realism in writing

Fairy Tell Retell-Edmonds

In the Words of a Goblin


for this assignment we were challenged with the task of taking a normal story and rewriting it in the antagonists perspective. for my story, i wrote about the three billy goats gruff and the goblin. i learned about perspective of characters and how it affects the other people in the story. i also learned about twists in the story to keep the reader interested.



In this assignment, we made a piece of literature inspired by traditional Japanese poems called  a Haiku. A Haiku is a poem based on syllables and their rhythms. Their rhythms follow the pattern 5 beats 7 beats 5 beats. i learned that beats are syllables in a word pattern so to get our grade we were inspired to rhythmize out poems in a way that would follor the japanese traditional way.Our haikus were based on nature. For my project, i talked about how  flowers are structures of peace and their beauty is always at hand



In this assignment, we made a piece of literature inspired by traditional Japanese poems called  a Haiku. A Haiku is a poem based on syllables and their rhythms. Their rhythms follow the pattern 5 syllables 7 syllables 5 syllables. Haikus are usually based on nature, animals, or emotions. Our haikus were based on nature. For my project, i talked about clouds and how their freedom lifts them up and how their softness lets them float

Fairy Tale Retell-Anderson

Jacob A

Little Red Riding Hood Wolf POV

The assignment was to pick a villain from a fairy tale and show their side of the story, and make them not seem guilty. I chose to do the wolf because there are so many stories about how terrible he was, and wanted to flip it to show that the wolf could've been innocent. I learned how to convey emotions into a story.

Don't Cry


Daphne Henne


 This work was a haiku on somthing in nature. For this assigment I wrote about how clouds are soft. I learned that you really need to make sure in a haiku how many syllables used.

Daphne Henne


 This work also was a haiku on some thing in nature. This assigment I wrote about flowers and how pretty they are. I learned that things may happen and it is ok if your work is perfect.

Daphne Henne


  This work was to write a poem on one word and what it means.   I wrote my on the word Passion. I learned that theme are one word can help me be more creative.

Daphne Henne

The things in Nature

 for this piece we were to write about things found in nature. I wrote on trees, plants, fog, grass and bricks. I learned there are many things in nature to write about.

Fairy Tale Retell - Farrell

Olivia Farrell

Hansel and Gretel: The Witches Perspective

In this assignment we picked out a classic fairy tale and told it from the antagonists perspective, trying to make them seem not so much the villain, but the victim. I chose to write about the classic tall tale, Hansel and Gretel, I chose to make the witch out to be a nice old women who had no bad intentions, but instead, was tricked by the kids she just wanted to help. In making this assignment I learned to look at a situation from not only one perspective, but multiple, because the story might not be what it seems at first.

Olivia Farrell

The Moon in The Night Sky

For this assignment we made Japanese poems, Haiku. A Haiku consists of 3 lines, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and then finishing off with 5 syllables.  Haikus are typically made about things in or of nature. I chose to write about the characteristics and traits of the moon. I learned to think and figure out how many syllables every word has.

Savanna Kirby


In this assignment we made Haiku Poems. They originated from Japan. A haiku poem consists of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. Haiku peoms are usually about nature or images.  For this assignment I chose to write about the Moon shining bright in the night.  After this assignment I learned how to  use the right syllables and rythming words  making my  poems.

Savanna Kirby

Sun Jim

In this assingment I made a Haiku Poem. They originated from Japan. A haiku poem consists of 3 lines. The first line is 5 syllables, the second line is 7 syllables and the thrid line constists of 5 syllables.  Haiku poems are about images and nature. I chose to write about the Moon sparkling in the night. After this assignment I learned how to improve my Haiku poems better.  

Fairy Tale Retell-Kirby

Savanna Kirby

Savanna Kirby

Jack and the Jelly beanstalk

In this assignment I recreated a fairytale but with a twist. I chose to write about the Giants point of view so everyone can see what actually happened.  After this assingment I learned how to write in another persons view and how to recreate a story but add a twist.