My Christmas Tree 

By: Callie Kesterson

In this assignment we made a concrete poem. We drafted a poem and sketched out the object of what we were writing about and learned about symbolism. Then after all of that, we wrote our poem along the lines of our sketch. Then erased the line and you have a sketch made out of a poem. Then you color it all. For  my project, I chose to compare a christmas tree to memories. I learned how to do describe objects very deeply, and to show how objects can represent something bigger. 

My Home

By:Callie Kesterson

In this assignment we made an Identity poem. We drafted it the we put it on the this piece of paper and made it very colorful. The poem is supposed to identify your home, your memories, and your personality. For my poem I chose to do a dove to love, A flower to thoughtfulness, Culture to fashion, and a rubber band to flexible. I learned how to symbolize words, and put my writing on paper in a very creative way.

Picture this- Kesterson

Scary Moment

By:Callie Kesterson

In this assignment we made a picture this story. We went through ten pictures and described what they looked like and wrote down what we thought it could be about. then after that we wrote a story about what we wanted it to be about. My project is about a dad who went off to war. And they were worried if was not going to make it back. I learned how to  base a story off of a picture.



By:Callie Kesterson

In this assignment we made dance poems for the showcase.  We had a chart on google docs and listened to the songs and fiqured out what the song meant. Then we summerized what we wanted our poem to be about based on that song that we were listening to. We also had a peice of lyrics from the song to put in our poem and made sure we had some type of figurtive language to put in our poem. After all of that we made our poem. My project was trying to get done all the eight poems. I learned how to find the theme in music.

Dreams by Zack

In this assignment we learned how to write concrete poetry.  A concrete poem is a poem that compares two things or uses symbolism and is in the shape of the thing you are writing about.  For my project I wrote about how our dream is like shooting a basketball.  I learned how to compare two things in my poem and how to write my poem in the shape I want it to be for the concrete poem.

Caterpillars by Zack

In this assignment we learned how to write an extended metaphor poem.  An extended metaphor poem is a poem where you compare two things throughout the whole poem and you use metaphors to compare.  For my project I wrote a poem comparing us to caterpillars using metaphor throughout the poem.  I learned how to come up with ideas to write extended metaphor poems and it helped me use more metaphors in my poems.

Me by Zack

In this assignment we learned how to write a I.D poem.  An I.D poem is a poem is a poem you write about yourself and is in the shape of a fingerprint.  I learned how to write poems about myself by comparing things to me.


Flashlight by Zack

This assignment we learned how to write poems about music.  They were poems about music with themes.  My poem was about the song Flashlight by Jesse Jay.  This poems helped me learn how to find theme in music and use metaphors in my poem.

Finding Wonderland Poem

Finding Wonderland

By: Aarya Gupta

For this assignment we had to create poems based of songs from the Winter Arts Showcase. I picked my poem about the song "Finding Wonderland." I   wrote this about how time flies and it is important to cherish every little memory and every kind action. I learned how to understand and find the theme of a song and write something about it.  

The Tsunami Of 2023

The Tsuamni Of 2023

By: Aarya Gupta 

In this assignment we created stories mainly focusing about a character.  We had to make sure to include a certain amount of figurative language.  In this project I wrote about a very carless guy who learns at the end, sometimes anyone could be a hero and how when life gives you a second chance take it. I learned how to write a story mainly about a character’s growth and actions.

Picture This!-Aarya

Frozen Discovery

By: Aarya Gupta 

For this assignment we had to write about what we see in pictures, think of ideas, and then pick a picture and write a story about it. We had to inculde a flash forward and figurative language. I picked to write about a guy who needed a vaction and when he was in the aircraft it crashed and he found himself lost. After finding a incredible creature he had to find a way to save it. I learned that even a simple image can be turned into a wonderful story if you just use your imagination.

Never Ending Adventure

By: Aarya Gupta 

In this assignment we thought of metaphors and made them into poems that were 15 lines long. I picked the metaphor "Life is an never ending adventure." We then had to print out a coloring page that best fits with our poem. I picked a hiking trail because life is a journey and you have to live life to the fullest. I learned how to use a metaphor and make a long poem with symbolisum.

Picture this - Freeman

Audrey Freeman 

Art - Creative writing Audrey Freeman

Audrey Freeman 

Flashlight dance poem Audrey Freeman

Audrey Freeman 

Picture This -Brandon

Labor Day

By Kinsey Brandon

In this assignment, we looked at a few pictures that had meaning and chose a photo to write a story about. This story is about a girl in the Industrial Revolution and her journey. I learned how to include figurative language in my writing and how to write a story that portrays meaning. 

Heart Of Stone

Heart of Stone

By Kinsey Brandon

In this assignment,  we watched a few videos of different songs and we had to write a poem about each one of them. My poem  is about a person who does not let words get to them. They block them out and go their own way. I learned how to write poems based on the meaning of a song and how to use figurative language in my poems.

Picture This- vanderVen

Will he Make it Back? 

By:  Molly vanderVen 

In this assingment I did a packet, and wrote a breif summary of a story based off of a picture. When I finished the packet I  had to choose a picture to write a story on. I chose a picture that showed a family running to a man coming back from the army. For the story I had to start with a flash forward to the climax of the story, then go back to present time in the story. For this assingment i learned how to write a flash forawrd in my story. 

The Ribbon 

         By: Molly vanderVen 

For this poem I had to create a metaphor, comparing an item/object to something, and for my metaphor I chose to compare a ribbon to honor. Then I had to create a poem basing it completely off of my metaphor.  Then I had to print out anc color a stress releif  picture of my object. For this assingment I learned how to create a poem out of a metaphor. 

Picture this - stockwell

The Train of Death

  By : Savvy Stockwell

In this assignment we looked at a picture to write a story just off what we saw and thought of. I ended up looking at a picture of a train and wrote about a jewish girl living during WWII.  I learned that just looking at one picture can bring so much life into a writing.

Sweet Moon

by : Savvy Stockwell

This assignment we we learning about concrete poems, this a poem where you take a shape or thing and described something and what it symbolizes. I ended up making a really good poem using the shape or a moon and how it is like a sweet dream and how a moon and be as bright as your dreams. I learned that one shape can turn into an amazing poem with just describing something.  

The Me Poem

by : Savvy Stockwell 

In this assignment we used to shape of a thumb print to describe yourself. In this I used many different comparisons that worked to describe who I am. For one I said, " I am as trustworthy as a dog ". In this assignment I learned how to describe myself in many different ways, and to make it poetic. 

Life is a Sour Patch

by : Savvy Stockwell

In this assignment we wrote extended metaphor about something that compared two things. In this case I wrote about how life can be compared to a sour patch and how it can be sweet or it can be sour. In this assignment, I learned that metaphors can extend the length of an entire poem. 

Angel of Hope

By:  Molly vanderVen 

For this assignment  I had to make a poem using symbolic representation  or a comparison. I chose a comparison, and the comparison I chose was  "The  angel is hope." After I made my poem I drafted an angel on a piece of paper and drafted my poem on it, because the assignment was a concrete poem.  When I showed my teacher my draft she gave me a paper to do my final draft on, and I followed the same process for the final draft. For this project I learned what a concrete poem is, and is a poem in the shape of something. For instance mine is in shape of an angel because my poem is about an angel. 

What Makes Me, Me!

  By: Molly vanderVen

For this assignment I did a packet, choosing adjectives that describe me, then words to represent a couple of those. Then I chose two of my favorite memories and wrote a brief summary on them. Then on the back I wrote things that make my house feel like my home. After I drafted a poem using all of the things I've done in the packet. After I finished the packet I got my fingerprint paper and wrote out my poem on it in pencil. When I was done doing that I went over the pencil in colors, and then colored the background.  Finally I cut out the paper now filled with colors. For this assignment I learned that a poem doesn't have to go in straight lines but can be in uneven/different shapes. 

Life is a Rollercoaster

By Jessalyn Gregg

This is my extended metaphor, the topic of this is "Life is a rollercoaster". This assignment asked us to compare two things, and then explain how those two things are alike in a poetic way. I did life is a rollercoaster because sometime you get to the best part of your life than sometimes you fall back down which is the bottom of the rollercoaster, so I thought it was the perfect metaphor. 

Jessalyn Gregg

This is my concrete poem, which this poem compares a balloon to letting things go. This assignment is you shaping your poem like the object your relating it to. I wrote about this because when a person boosts your confidence your the balloon flying high, but when someone says something unnecessary that's you going down.


By Kinsey Brandon

For this assignment, we had to create a poem in the shape of something that symbolizes something or compare it to something else. My poem is about how the American flag symbolizes freedom and it mainly focuses on the Revolutionary war and how we gained our independence from Britain. I learned how to write poems in the shape of something else and I also learned how to write about how something can symbolize something else.

Crafting a Character Story

Crafting a Character

By Kinsey Brandon 

For this writing, we had to start by filling out a google slide about our character including their likes and dislikes, and what they look like. Then we made a story based on our character. I wrote about a girl that keeps getting expelled from schools and they keep having to move. In this lesson, I learned how to start from a character that I created and make a story about it.

Rain - Kailee C


By Kailee

For this assignment we had to make a poem that compares two things and show how they are alike.

I chose to compare rain to a teardrop. I did this because they are very much alike. They are alike in many ways. 

I learned how to compare two things using a poem.


By Kailee

For this assignment we had to make many little poetic comparisons about ourselves and put them all in a fingerprint.

I chose to write many comparisons inside of this fingerprint that described or related to me. I did this because it was supposed to be like my own fingerprint.

I learned how to make a poem about me.


By Kailee

For this assignment we had to make a poem that symbolizes something and  write a concrete poem. Which means that you would have to use your words to create the shape of the object that uses symbolism. 

I chose to make a poem about a sun and how it makes someone feel. I also added the colors that normalize it. I did this because it reminds me of those days where you just get a happy feeling in you.

I learned how to make the structure of the poem the same as the writing or poem.

Extended Metaphor poem Izabelle



This poem is comparing sadness to a Tsunami it \talks about how much alike the two are.

I learned how to compare two different things in a poem.



This piece of work shows lots of things related to me and about me because it's supposed to resemble my very own finger print.

I learned how to make a poem with everything about me,in a uniqe poem shape.



I compared love to roses because a ruby red rose means love and romance.

I learned how to make a poem in the shape of what its about. 

Gerard way? I only know Gerald Bay, mate

               On Broadway 

By: Rawson Brabham

An A/B poem is a poem consisting of 2 line stanzas, each stanza having a new rhyming scheme .

The poem is proving that even if you are average, you can complete anything extraordinary; Even if you are, in fact, extra ordinary. 

This poem extended my vocabualry when trying to find words that rhyme and follow the poem.

fronk oreo.pdf

Burnt Like a Crisp in Golden Light

By: Rawson Brabham

An extended metaphor poem is a poem that takes a metaphor and extends it throughout the whole poem.

The poem explains how promises are a gamble, only a chance of winning while also having each and every odd being agaist you. Promises leave marks, wounds that will sure last at least a good while.

The poem taught me how to extend my metaphors through the whole poem.

Music Flies

By: Rawson Brabham

Descriptive text is a form of writing where you slow down time and describe everything around to form a visual idea in the reader mind.

The short-story explains how music can transform so much, with so little being done. A few beats of a drum, a couple strums or slaps from a bass;  Suddenly you have possibly change your entire mood

This taught me how to slow time down in stories even further than before,  each word having a meaning of the description.

An Unfinished Symphphony

By: Rawson Brabham

Comparison poems are where you compare two or more objects, people, or ideas and use different author craft move to explain how they are connected.

The poem compares the ocean to an unfinished symphony, beautiful on its own, yet not complete and in its most refined form. It's raw and gorgeous to each its own.

It taught me how to think of different and unlike things and ideas, and make them into something new and even more extraordinary than the two or more things alone.


Spooky poems

We were told to draft three spooky poems and pick our favorite one. We learned how to add a spooky mood to our poems and authors crafts to add suspense. 


ID Poem

I wrote a poem about things that make me who I am.  I included stuff in my house and things I love. I learned how to use description and metaphors to describe things.

Spook off

The Scare in the Shack

By: Dalton

This poem was for the spook off contest in class.   It is about a girl who went into a shack and found a mysterious being inside.


             Heart of Stone

By: Dalton

This poem was written based off of the deeper meaning of a song.   It is about how no matter what they will stand their ground and never give up even when things try to knock them down.

Soccer is a Dream

Gannon Cochran

Soccer ball I had to make the concrete poem into a soccer ball. I chose to talk about how a soccer ball was a dream, and how the soccer ball symbolizes my dream.  I learned how to make a poem and concrete poem. 

SpoOoKy Poem

Gannon Cochran

Spooky poem  I had to make 3 different spooky poems that used suspense. I choose to make it like a old abandoned house. I learned how to make the poem spooky, and to build suspense in my writing.  

The Sun

Gannon Cochran

The hot sun I had to make a concrete poem for the writing warm up. I chose to compare the sun to lamp. I learned how to use a metaphor effectively. 

The waves

The Waves

By: Dalton

An extended metaphor is a poem that uses  a metaphor throughout the poem. For this poem I used a wave to put my words into. I learned that you can use the same figurative language more than once in a poem, but in different ways



By: Dalton

I wrote this poem using themes from songs. The theme for this song is: "Oftentimes we feel like we need to hide from reality, but we can be strong and when we look around we can see all of those who support us and love us, which makes reality sweet."

Cullen McWhite: Heart of Stone

In this poem we had to use the theme and name of a song to write a poem.  The theme of the song is no matter what you throw at us, we will stand strong. For this I decided to write about a Mom who had cancer and fought for her life. I learned songs  can have deeper meanings.

Cullen McWhite: 9/11

In this story we had to craft a character. The character I decided to do was a kid named Aiden Floss, who wasn't smart and had a tooth that danguled out of his mouth. I learned the techniques of crafting a charater from this project.

Cullen McWhite: Who I Am

In this extended metaphor poem we used metaphors to represent some of our personality traits. For this project I chose to say how I am a phone, pictures of families and friends, the swingset in the back of the yard, my grandma's old recipe book, a trophy, and the shed sitting in our backyard, a TV, a very old bench and the memories of my past because all of these things make me who I am. From this project I learned how to write a extended metaphor poem, and also how to describe myself using figurative language.

Cullen McWhite: Greatest Show

In this poem we had to use a theme from a song to write a poem. The theme of this song is Learning to love yourself as you are can feel like a dream, but when you let the dream take over it can become the greatest show of your life. For this I decided to write about a showman who accomplished his dreams, but  forgot about himself. From this project I learned that everything has a theme, even songs.

Max Atchley Extended metaphor poem

Max Atchley

this assignment was about making a poem comparing 2 things, using a metaphor. This project was titled Extended Metaphor. I chose to compare a moon and an isolated person because there are many comparisons between the two.

Finding wonderland

Max Atchley

This song was a part of the dance songs and we made poems out based on the meaning of the songs, and this was one of mine.  It compares finding wonderland to finding your true happiness.


Flashlight: Jessalyn Gregg

This assignment was finding the deeper meaning of songs for the winter showcase. I picked flashlight out of the other 7 because, this could be about you and a friendship and that person is a flashlight that guides you through life. The first line says " you guide me through the dark" that shows how the person is your flashlight that helps you through life or just anything.

I.D. Poetry: Jessalyn Gregg

This assignment it shows who we are and this is probably one of my favorite assignments. Because, we get to show who we are and why we are who we are. It also was fun to write in the finger print shape.

Greatest Show Poem


I wrote a poem about the song "The Greatest Show." I wrote about the deeper meaning or theme of the song and put it into a poem. I learned how to find the deeper meaning of songs

The Big Game by jay escalon


I wrote a story by developing a character and their personality.  I also used imagery to create the setting of the story. This was the develop a character assignment.


Jaliyah Salley

 This assignment we made Extended Metaphor Poem . I chose to compare life to a plant, and how we grow like they do. I learned that anything can be made into a metaphor .

Cam Cam

Jaliyah Salley

For this assignment, we made concrete poem. I chose a camera  because all the memories that are taken in our brain. I learned that  a poem can be turned into anything.

I.D. Poem 

Jaliyah Salley

For this assignment we created I.D. poems. I chose facts about me and my personality. I learned that I.D. poem is your personality what you look for everyday. 

Crafting a character story

Crafting a Character: Max Atchley

The assignment was about developing a character and making them change in some sort of way through the story and mine was about a kid named Zach who flew to Dubai, but little did they know there was a war breaking out.

Picture this/Atchley

Picture This: Max Atchley

The assignment was about writing a story based off of a lot of photos,this story was based off a picture of a big explosion in a field.  I made story about it and i had to really work to type a whole story revolved around the picture. I learned to use more descriptive details in my writing. 

Noah Carvajal's Creative Writing Story About Breath Of The Wild

Boko's Guardians: Noah Carvajal

In this assingment we could create any story we wanted, but we also practiced creating a character, describing a character, and describing the setting.   For my story, I chose to write about getting stuck in a video game.  (Very original story, I know.)  I learned how to properly create a character, and how to create and describe setting.

Noah Carvajal Koreans, Bullets, And a Guy On The Run.

Guy on the Run: Noah Carvajal

In this assignment, we were given 10 pictures and were told to pick one and make a story with it.  We also had to use the picture at one point in the story.  I chose to make a story about a Korean War veteran and his attempt to get home.  I learned how to properly paint emotion in a story.

Flashlight: Carter Craft

Picture this-craft

Picture This: Carter Craft

Spooky Poems: Carter Craft

Finding Wonderland: Carter Craft