Touchdown: Preston B.

For this assignment we had  to cut out a Magazine and turn them into a poem. I chose to write about football because it was easy thing for me to talk about. I  learned that you can use anything to inspire a poem. 

The Winter Blow: Preston B. 

For this assignment we had to take pages out of a  book and make  a blackout poem. I chose these pages because they were easy to find words that inspire a poem.
I learned it does not have to look good to have good meaning. 

Who You Are: Preston B. 

For this assignment we had to write poems in a thing shape like a thumb. The reason it was so easy because you get write about stuff you like, and what makes you who you are. I learned  that poems don't have to rhyme.

Big Hit: Preston B. 

For this assignment we had to find 6 words related to a specific memory that we have and put them in a sentence and make them mean something . The reason I picked these 6 words was because it was my first time playing football. I learned that it does not  matter how much words you use to write a poem, word choice is important.  


Dance Poems- Melania Czuczak


Melania Czuczak

In this assignment we used  dance poems  to create a poem out of the songs for the showcase. Lights on Broadway, you had to describe the deeper meaning of the song, and have a rhyme.  For my poems, I decided to use a relation with the song but make it in my own way, and talked about the songs. And last I learned how to find the true and deeper meaning of a song by understanding the lyrics, and how to make a poem out of it.

Thumb Print

Melania Czuczak

In this assignment we made I.D. poems. This was when we first learned how to write a proper poem, but we had to write a draft of things used around our house or what we thought made home. You had to write a fourteen lined poem. For my project I choose to write about what made home to me. And how the smell of our house is. From this I learned how to write a poem but also how you can take random things and make a poem, or how to use figurative language

Pure Happiness

Melania Czuczak

In this assignment we made six word memoir poems. You had to take and write a short story based on your writing warm up off of your favirote memeorie. For my six word memoir I talked about the time  when I went to New York City. Through this poem I learned how to use stories and create them into poems. 

If I Had A Wish

Melania Czuczak

In this assignment we had go through magazines and pick out words and different letters and put them on a paper and make a poem. In my poem I wrote about if I made a wish, would it come true?  Through this poem I learned how to create a poem out of anything.

Six Word Memoir 

This assignment was one of the many we did for our poetry unit. The Six Word Memoir was a poem that was restricted to six words only. My favorite part of this assignment was recalling all the memories I recalled while searching for the best way to write the poem. I learned to be straight foward with my memory and to use pictures to explain the writing better.

kinley breeden

Secrets & Lies: Kinley Breeden

Secrets And Lies

 In this assignment we created characters by using our imaginations by seeing what they look like and how they would act . We also created a story based on the characters we created to explain the characters flaws and personality's. I chose to write about how you can still have faith in a bad or confusing situation . I learned how to write a story the correct way and indent my story . I also learned how to use dialogue  while creating my story.

                     kinley breeden

Blackout Poems

In this assignment we took pages out of old books and created a poem. we made a poem by looking at outstanding words on the pages . We used black sharpie to create drawings or something that expresses the mood  poems we created titles . I chose to created this poem to talk about how some people have shriveled hearts. I learned that creating a blackout poem can help you begin to start writing better poems .

                    kinley breeden

picture this - Kinley Breeden

Picture This 

In this assignment we created stories by looking a pictures and thinking about what's actually happening in the picture . I wrote the assignment to show gratitude is a symbol of love and gratefulness . I learned that pictures can come to life and that looking at a picture and using your imaginations to create a story can help you write the story and use your brains and skills .

         .                         Kinley breeden

Wonder - Found Poem

Ansley Griffin

For this assignment we were tasked with crafting a poem from cut-out words in magazines. Mine is is a simple, slightly abstract poem about the wonder of exploration. I think this assignment helped me greatly with choosing the correct words to convey a certain meaning.

Patience - Blackout Poems

Ansley Griffin

For this assignment we created poems by choosing words from books and highlighting them to create a poem. In the pages of the books I found words to describe times that things didn't go quite to plan and patience was required. I learned to draw inspiration from words already written, and to transform their meaning.

The Love of The Wind - Writing Warm-Up

The Love of The Wind - Writing Warm-Up

Ansley Griffin

This was a writing warm-up that I completed on my own. The instructions were to free write, so I wrote a free verse poem to talk about faith and fortitude, from the perspective of an ordinary wildflower. From this I think I learned how to better personify elements of my stories.

New Earth - Writing Warm-Up

New Earth - Writing Warm-Up

Ansley Griffin

In another free-write writing warm-up I decided to write a short poem about the changing of seasons. From this piece I learned to set a frame of mind for the poem to follow, and it ended up linking the verses quite well. 

Blackout Poem

This assignment was called blackout poetry. We had to find multiple words from a page in a book and make those words into meaning full poems.  For this porject i found words about people being stressed but being relived. I learned how to find certain words and got creative with my mind   

Johnathan Cosmopoulos

Dance Poems

This assignment was called dance poems. We had to listen to a piece of music and find the deeper meaning of that song and make a poem about it. I learned how to  find the deeper meaning in songs. it was a little hard but i figured out how to do it

Johnathan Cosmopoulos

The Emotions of Nature

                          Sophia Baker

This assignment was called "Blackout Poetry" where we took pages from a book and created poems from the words on the pages and then blacked out the other words. For my poem, I used pages about nature to write my poems. I learned about the importance of word choice through this assignment.  


                               Sophia Baker

The assignment was a "Found Poem", where we needed to find inspirations in magazines to create our poems and then clip out letters to write them. I used a magazine about travel and adventure to write my poem. I learned how to write a poem with a concise message. 


                             Sophia Baker

This project was a six word memoir where we had to write a poem with six words about a memory. To do this project, we had to write about a memory and then use the most important words to write the poem. I wrote the poem about my grandfathers funeral. I learned the importance of word choice and how to portray meaning in a poem in this assignment. 

ID Poem

                             Sophia Baker

This assignment was a poem where we had to write abut ourselves uysing figtative language. I wrote this poem by making a list of things that symbolize myself, memories that are important to me, and adjectives describing me. I learned how to use metaphors correctly during this project. 

The Second She Died

By: Illyana Adams

The six word memoir was based of one of our core memories that we chose six words and created a drawing to help describe our memory. My six word memoir was a seemingly deep memory, based on the fact that  my one of my close friends had drowned in a pool after a hard day. I learned how to illustrate a poem to give a better understanding of what it meant. 

Picture This - Adams

One Final Day 

By: Illyana Adams

For this assignment we had to write a story from scratch  based on an image we chose. Picture This required many peices of figurative languge thorughout the story that had to be more than three pages. For my story was about a girl who decided to run away from her boss in the 1900's. I learned how to stretch my mind and create an original piece of writing. 

From Anything to Her

By: Illyana Adams

This assignment was the most popular in our poetry unit. Blackout Poems were a series of chosen book pages and create a poem from the words within them. My poem was based around finally finding my best friend who helped me grow after I was not in a good spot and doing bad things. I learned how to create a poem with only using a limited amount of words.

My Identity

By: Illyana Adams

In the poetry assignment we had to write a poem based on our identity and who we are. First we had to complete a packet about what symbolizes us and memories from our past. A big part of my poem was comparing myself to many things like buzzing bees or the sun.  I learned to see the postitive things about me instead of all negative things.


For this assignment, we had to come up with a special memory and take six words out of it. Then we had to color paper and put a backround on it.so i wrote about being on the lake on the 4th of july and we lit up fireworks.

-Esther Casey

My Identity

Esther Casey

A Fall Into Grief

-Esther Casey

Picture This-Casey

The Cost

-Esther Casey

My Identity

By Alayna Blankenship

In this assignment we created a poem that describes our identity. Each line we made started with the words I am. For my poem I compared animals and objects in my house to my personality.  I learned how to describe myself using similes and metaphors.

The Creatures of Night

By Alayna Blankenship

In this assignment we had to find words within a book page to craft a poem out of them. The words we didn't use had to be blacked out with a marker and we could create different designs on the pages if we wanted to. We had to create four different ones that all have something in common to create a theme. I wrote my poems around the theme, "Creatures of Night." I learned how to find words that have meaning to create different pieces of writing. 


By Alayna Blankenship 

In this assignment we had to cut out different letters and words from magazines to create a poem. I wrote my poem about stargazing and what you see while doing it. I learned how to create a piece of writing from letters and words I find in different types of magazines.

Hospital Visit: Julia Newell

 In this assignment we had to describe a memory with only six words and illustrations. I wrote about a hospital visit my brother had and how it affected me. I learned how to use descriptive words in my writing with deep meaning. 

Hold On Let Go: Julia Newell

In this assignment we used book pages to try and make a poem out of the words. I used emotion and conflict to find and craft my poems. I learned how to look deeper into a story and to find a hidden one inside of it. 

Absence of Fear: Julia Newell

In this  assignment we found letters in magazines and made a meaningful poem out of them using word choice. I chose to write about anxiety or the absence of fear. I learned about word choice and how it  makes my poems more meaningful. I also think it helped me greatly with choosing the correct words to convey a certain meaning - Julia Newell

All About Me: Julia Newell

In this assignment we were required to produce a poem for the poetry assignment that reflected our identities and true selves. we had to fill out a packet first, regarding our past and memories my poetry had a lot of comparisons between myself and various objects such as baby blue to being calm. I had the ability to focus on my strengths rather than my flaws. - Julia Newell

My Identity

Ella Byers 

This is my Identity poem, we did this as an introduction to our poetry unit. This assignment was meant to be about ourselves and describe more about who we are in a more artistic form. We were supposed to describe memories and express ourselves. I learned how to include imagery into my writing and i learned how to make it seem like the reader is actually there. -Ella Byers

The Light

Ella Byers

For this assignment, we had to make a poem out of the songs the dance group is using for their dances for the showcase. We had to figure out the most important lyrics, and use at least two types of figurative language in every one. My poem is about a girl who finds her only source of happiness in her dad. I learned how to make a beautiful story out of just a simple song, I also learned that some song have more meaning than you think just by listening to it, and I learned how to include more figurative language in my writings. 

Make it Count

Ella Byers 

This is another poem from the dance songs. It's called Make it Count. It's about the importance of taking things in and letting yourself see all the little things in life. It's about slowing time down to see how the important little things that happen, like hugs, and getting something you've always wanted. I learned to point out the little things in the songs and make something beautiful about it. 


Gone Missing

Mae Matthews

In this assignment we chose a picture and had to write a story behind the picture where we used imagery. I chose an image of a train. I wrote about a boy who is neglected by his parents, and his brother had just gone off to college, and he chooses to run away to go to where his brother is. I learned from this assignment how to use imagery and how important word choice can be, and how it can display a different meaning.

An experience

Mae Matthews

In this assignment, we had to choose pages from a book and find words on the page to make a poem that displays a meaning. I chose words to display the experience of life. I learned from this assignment how to choose the words I use and how those words can display a meaning, even if the word means the same thing, it is the context  in where it is used.

ID Poem

Mae Matthews

In this assignment, we were asked to make multiple lists of things that make us, us.  I wrote about how my parents have raised, me, and the enviroment I grew up in, and the things I do now that make me, me. 

Finally Free: Carly

In this assignment we looked in some old books and and found some words and mad a poem then we would use sharpie to color in some parts of the paper. I learned how to make random poems out of pages in a book.   

6 Word Memoir: Carly

In this assignment we chose a memory and wrote a six word memoir. A six word memoir is a poem that has six words, and words to describe a memory. The memory I chose was when I saw my great grandma for the last time. I learned how to put a story into a six word poem.

Picture This-Martinez

                    Kill Bill

                 Glorya Martinez

 I wrote about this man named bill and he was running from someone who wants him dead. I wrote this by looking at a series of photos and choosing which one to write about. I learned how to write a story based on pictures.


                        Glorya Martinez

For this assignment, we thought of a memory and picked  6 words from it. We printed the words and drew a picture for that memory. I learned how to write a six-word memoir and pick words from my memories.

Listen Closley

                   Glorya Martinez

For this assignment, we did blackout poetry. We looked through old book and found words that would make a good poem and black it out in a design or just color marker. I learned to keep only the important words and how to design it.

Glorya Martinez-Them


                      Glorya Martinez

For this assignment we crafted our own character and used it in our story. We described our character and wrote a story with them in it. I learned how to craft a character and how to describe them in my story. I wrote about a girl who is in love with her best friend and another boy named nathan is in love with her. 

A Waste


No More Tears


Christmas Morning

For this assignment we had to come up with 6 words that were very memorable. So I wrote how one morning i woke up with the very magical jolly morning, i got all the presents i wanted and the all my family was with me. 


Picture This- Smetana

The House Fire


Blackout Poems

In this assignment we did blackout poetry. We had  to look for four pages of a book and find words that make a powerful message. I learned how to make a poem without having to physically write it or type it down.

Ezequiel Soto

Six Word Memoir

In this assignment we did a six word memoir. We had to create a meaningful message and draw a picture of some of my memories. I learned how to write an inspiring message using only six words.

Ezequiel Soto

Never Give Up

In this assignment we did a found poem. We had to look for letters in magazines that we could use to combine and make an a beautiful message with. I learned how to really use my brain and combine a bunch of letters to make a message.

Ezequiel Soto

I Am...

In this assignment we did an I.D. poem. We had to name a bunch of things at our homes and compare ourselves  to them. I learned that I can compare myself to many things in my home and even my dog.

Ezequiel Soto



I learned from this assignment that only 6 words can mean and tell a lot about a memory. 

Remember the Time


This I.D. poem was written based on my memories and who I am. I used many comparisons to show who I am in a poetic way. 

What's at the Bottom of the Pond


This story was written about a boy dreaming that the animals in the pond would come to life and try to takeover the world.

Acrostic Poem: Johnathan C. 

In this assignment this was our writing warm up. We had to make an acrostic poem spelling out the word thanksgiving.  I made it a happy Acrostic poem.

Johnathan Cosmopoulos

6 Word Memoir: Johnathan C. 

In this assignment we had to write down as many memories as we could remember. We then had to write a paragraph about one of the memories.   After we wrote the paragraph we had to chose 6 key words that can work to describe that memory fully. 

Memory of My 


Jayda Smith

In this assignment, we used 6 words to describe a memory from our past. For my assignment, I chose to write about my birth mother.  I learned that memories aren't just memories, you can use them wisely to create a powerful piece of writing.

Picture this-Smith

Zombie Apocalypse

Jayda Smith

In this assignment, we crafted a character to create a story, from our choices. I chose to write about a zombie apocalypse. I learned how to create a character and the steps to creating a story.

ID Poem

Izzy Headley

This is what I am and what makes me me. We were asked to write about things that describe us and use comparisons to make our memories and specific objects and traditions relate to who we are as people. 

6 word memory

Izzy Headley

This shows that 6 words can portray a full memory, and show how memories can make an impact on people.

Black Out

Izzy Headley

they come in fate

In this assignment we did blackout poetry. Blackout poetry  is where you find words that go together to form a poem. Once you find the words you were looking for you then grab a sharpie and color over the words you're not using.  For my project I decieded to write about fate. I learned how to use precise words when crafting my poetry.   -Jocelyn Adelmann

I.D poem

In this assignment we made an I.D poem about things that make us, us. For my project I decided to write about things in my house that define me, and past memories that I admire the most. I learned how to find things that define            me and put it together in a poem.               -Jocelyn Adelmann


In this assignment I wrote out the poem under a chosen theme .  I then cut out the letters needed to craft the poem and glued them on the page. For this project I decided to write a poem about trust.  I learned how to use precise words and syllables when crafting my story. -Jocelyn Adelmann

I See Stars

In this assignment I listened to the following songs, I found the deeper meaning of that song and wrote a poem out of it. For this project I chose to write about the meaning "The tougher the situation, the brighter you shine." I learned how to grab meaning out of something and write a poem out of it. -Jocelyn Adelmann

Briefcase Full of Case

Briefcase Full of Cash

The name of my project is Breifcase Full of Cash. In this unit we learned how to use figurative language. In this unit I learned how to use figurative language in a story

By: Casey Arnold

Vanishing People

The name of my project is Vanishing People. In this unit we learned how to use book pages to write poems. I learned how to make poems from random pages of books.

By: Casey Arnold

Just Sleep

The name of my project is Just Sleep. In this unit we learned how to use magazine pages to write a poem. What inspired me to write this was because I was tired during class and wanted to sleep.

By: Casey Arnold

The Trip at Sea

The project we were working on were six word memoirs. I made a six word memior on my cruise ship last year. I learned how to use word choice during this unit.

By: Casey Arnold

 My Bunny

Clara Turnage

In this assignment we thought of our favorite memory and wrote a six word memoir about it. Then, we drew artwork to represent it. For my assignment I chose to use the memory when I got a bunny. I learned how to pick out certain words to create a memory. 

Greatest Show

Clara Turnage

In this assignment we had to write poems about different songs that will be in the dance showcase. I wrote about a song called the greatest show.  I used one lyric from the song and crafted a poem about the lyrics and what the song means. This assignment taught me how I can use different things to help craft a poem. 

I Won't Fall

Clara Turnage

In this assignment we looked through magazines and cut out different words and letters we needed to make a poem. I took differents words and letters out of a magazine and created a poem out of the different letters I found.  For my assignment I created a poem talking about how I will not fall and I will stand my ground. From this assignment I learned that I can create a poem  using letters from a magazine and that it isn't as hard as it seems. 

The True World

Clara Turnage

In this assignment we ripped pages out of old books and picked words out of it to create a poem. I used pages from a book and chose specific words out of it to create a poem. Then, I made sure the words I used were most noticable. For my poems I used different words in the pages to create poems. I titled it "The True World" because the poems were more sad and all related to be sad. I learned that I can use anything to create poems. 

Deceived In Dakness

Anna Morgan

For this assignment we were to create four blackout poems to the best of our ability, using pages torn out of books. For the assignment I chose to write about how the darkness of depression is always weighing down on you, but theirs always something the to make it better. In the end I learned how to make use of words your given.

Picture This - Morgan

Grasping For Freedom

Anna Morgan

For this assignment, we were to write a  story that went into intense detail using the five senses that was at least 2 pages long and written in MLA format. For this assignment, I chose to write a story about a young woman named Diana, who was forced into marrige then abused and killed by her husband. From this assignment I learned to use desctipton intensely.



Anna Morgan

For the dance poem assignment, we were to write 8 poems relating directly to a song, using 2 forms of figurative language and rhyme or repetition. For it, one of the poems I wrote was to portray the familiarity of riches to poor.  From this assignment I learned to choose specific wording to explain meanings more melodicly.

The Stress

Ella Byers

For this assignment, we had to pick words off of a page in a book amd create our own poem out of it. These are called blackout poems, we had to add some personality and creativity into them and at the end we had to glue them all on a piece of construction  and give it a title that can go with all of them. This assignment was difficult, but I learned to pick out the little things that make books as interesting as they can be. I learned to make it possible to see the books from a different point of view. 

Dance Poem-Fabulous

We are Fabulous

By Alayna Blankenship

In this assignment we had to create 8 poems about the deeper meaning of 8 different songs. We had to include at least two pieces of figurative language and either have a Rhyme scheme or repetition.  I wrote my poem about how we are all fabulous in our own way. We all have needs and wants but when we express them, they are often seen as rude or sassy. I learned how to find the true meaning of a song and write a poem to express it.