Featured Stories 

Global Warming

by Nathan Cho - Grade 5

When there is air pollution, from cars, factories, and many other things, it traps the sun’s heat and makes the earth hotter. This is called global Warming Lot’s of arctic animals die, the ice caps melt, and there is also less snow. In 1998-1999, there was a lot of snow and it was much colder. But now, there is hardly any snow and winter days are much more hot than they should be. Global warming is very bad for the people, animals, and for the environment. I think People should take care of the earth more and be more aware that our planet Earth is heating up in a bad way. Global warming is a cause of many animals dying, and habitats getting destroyed. We need to start changing and reduce the amount of carbon we produce.


by James Kim - Grade 5

People should stop using plastic water bottles, plastic bags, etc. Since people are polluting the earth the hydrosphere is ruined. If humans want to keep living on earth than they will have to stop polluting. To help people should start recycling stuff such as plastic bottles, paper, and etc. You can also use start using reusable water bottles because 10.2% of the world pollution is water bottles which is a lot. That means that there would be a millions of  bottle. Imagine it. In an year that is more than 8 million tons of garbage that is made in the ocean each year. If we keep doing this it can harm the environment more and more as the generation goes by. By doing this it can easily this can lead to  a lot of harm to the environment and eventually we might  not even be able to live in the world.  This can be can affect us and the animals live on earth. This is why. If we pollute earth than their won’t be a home for people and animals. It won’t be a place  that people can survive in. Eventually Earth isn’t go to be a home anymore. It just going to be a ball of rocks just like mars floating in space. It isn’t too late to save Earth. You can help by using reusable water bottles and bags. This can help lessen water pollution. This can  help the water. This can also, helo sea creatures such as turtles, fishs, and lobsters. This can be called as sea creatures. So, next time you go and use a new water bottle use a reusable one. Also, the next time you go grocery shopping you should use reusable bags.

Strong Women of Our World - Malala Yousafzai

by Jacob N. Fradkin - Grade 7

Malala Yousafzai was an important advocate for women's rights around the world. As a young girl she had defied the Taliban in Pakistan and later on spread her hopes of education given to women not just in Pakistan but all over the world. She saw something that was missing from her life and sought to fill the void for other girls who were too in her position.  Yousafzai was born in the small village of Mingora in Pakistan on July 12, 1997. Her village was a popular tourist spot as they celebrated excellerating summer festivals that would attract everyone from all over.

 All of that changed, however when the Taliban tried to take over. Yousafzai had attended a school that had been founded by her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai, who was an educator. After the Taliban had been going around fiercely attacking schools created for girls Malala knew it was a time for them to stop their torments. In September of 2008, Yousafzai gave a speech in Peshawar, Pakistan. The speech was titled “How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to education?” In 2011, Yousafzai started to blog her experience under the threats given by the Taliban to deny her right to education to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). She created a fake identity to hide her true identity and was later revealed in December of that year. Even after that, she continued to speak out against the Taliban and a right to women of their education, something that was a basic right to any girl in the world. 

She later earned a nomination for for the International Children’s Peace Prize. Later that year, she received Pakistan’s National Youth Prize. However, the next year something tragic would happen to her something that endangered her life in many ways. 

Malala had heard that the Taliban had sent her death threats because of her activism. On October 9, 2012 Yousafzai was riding on a bus with friends on their way home from school when a masked gunman had boarded the vehicle and demanded who on the bus was Yousafzai. All her friends had looked at her immediately giving off her location. The man quickly shot Malala on the left side of her head the bullet then travelling down her neck. Two other girls were too injured in the attack. 

The attack had left Malala in critical condition, and due to this she was flown to a military hospital in Peshawar. A portion of her skull needed to be removed so that doctors could treat her swelling brain. To receive more efficient care, she was sent to Birmingham, England. Once Yousafzai entered the UK, she was taken out of a medically induced coma. Even though she had to have multiple surgeries, she did not suffer any severe brain damage. In March of 2013, Malala was able to attend school in England. Furthermore, her encounter with the Taliban created a major downspout of support for her which also continued during Yousafzai's recovery.  

Even though she still remains a threat to the Taliban, Malala still stands as an advocate for the power of education. Since then, Malala had shined bright making speeches at places such as the UN (United Nations). Her main advocacy was on women's right and encouraged others to change their policies. In October of 2014, Malala became the youngest person known to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2013, Malala and her father launched the Malala fund, which ensures that girls all over the world receive free good quality education for 12 years. Malala really is an inspiration to many, and her actions have benefited many people in ways that will leave a lasting mark on them. Malala Fund