Newsletter 29/09/23

Pupil Voice at Shawley

We are excited to announce this year's Pupil Voice groups at Shawley.  Congratulations to all our pupils who have been elected. These groups will provide students with an opportunity to share their ideas and feedback on a variety of topics, including school policy, curriculum, and school life.

Our Pupil Voice groups are:

We believe that pupil voice is essential to creating a positive and supportive school environment. We encourage all students to get involved and share their ideas. 

Our new Pupil Voice members are already showing enthusiasm for their roles!

Leadership Team: Chair - Diego (Inclusion) 

Chair - Ella (Curriculum) 

Vice Chair - Evin (Well-being) 

Vice Chair - Bobby (Opportunities)

Pupil Advocates: Amelia, Karim, Minahil, Mylie, Charlotte, Ruby, Ellie, Julia

Eco Squad: Frankie, Chelsea, Matthew, Bethany, Eliza, Violet, Jessie, Diego

Digital Leaders: Leo, Amy, Rosemary, Hamish, Elena, Thomas, Ollie, Eleanor, Libby, Karim, Mya

School Council: Albert, Jacob, Harry, Leonard, Grace, William, Poppy, Karim, Hannah

                    Team Captains: Amelia, Leah, Ella, Aji, Frank, Henry, Bobby, Carson, Spencer, Jessie, Maya, Zoe, Morgan, Maya, Zozan, Mylee, Maison, Jack, Hannah

Art Exhibition

We were delighted that St Mark's Church recently hosted an art exhibition which featured a variety of artwork created by children at Shawley. They clearly worked hard on their artwork and we were thrilled to be able to share it with the community.  Well done to all who exhibited!

Harvest Collection

We will be having a Harvest Assembly in school on Tuesday 10th October. We will be talking to the children about the importance of Harvest and also discussing the important work that different food banks do within their communities. If you wish to donate any of the items listed below, we would gratefully accept them from Monday 9th October. Children can add them to the table that will be set up outside the school hall. Our donations will be taken to Epsom Food Bank the following week. Please can we have any donations by Monday 16th October.

Items needed include:

School Fund

We pride ourselves on offering our children varied and exciting experiences and activities that help to support their learning across the curriculum.

The School Fund will allow us to provide additional activities across all year groups. 

We have a voluntary school fund donation of £15 per child or a maximum of £30 for a family if there are siblings at the school.  

Payments can be made online via Arbor. Many thanks for your support.

Parking around school

Unfortunately yet again we have had more incidences of dangerous and inconsiderate parking outside our school this term, especially at school pick-up time. We know pick up and drop off times are difficult and very busy. However a small minority of parents from the school are still parking without any thought for our local residents or other parents.

We have received complaints from residents who are very unhappy about cars being parked across their drives . This parking can pose a safety risk to pupils and parents that do walk/cycle/scooter to school, as well as to other road users.

Please could you think of the safety of ALL our children and refrain from parking across residents' driveways as this is an offence.

Thank you in advance for you support with this important issue and let’s hope together we can ensure the safety of the children and be more considerate to our local residents.

Community News, Events & Information

Sports News

In School We Have Been Learning...

Reception Please click here to find out what Polar Bears have been learning over the past couple of weeks

Year 1   Please click here to find out what Year 1 have been learning over the past couple of weeks

Year 2        Please click here to find out what Year 2  have been learning over the past couple of weeks

Year 3  Please click here to find out what Year 3 have been learning over the past couple of weeks

Year 4/5             Please click here to find out what Year 4/5 have been learning over the past couple of weeks

Year 6          Please click here to find out what Year 6  have been learning over the past couple of weeks

Shawley's Superstars

On Friday every week we award 2 children per class a 'Star of The Week' certificate.  This is given to children who have impressed their teachers throughout the course of the week with their work, behaviour and attitude in school.  Winners for the last 2 weeks are...

School Lottery

Shawley's school lottery has been set up specifically to raise money and make a difference for our children! It's a fantastic way to bring parents, carers, staff and the wider community together, in partnership with our school, and at the same time give something back. We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children - we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities such as music, art and sport.

Join today!  Click here to access the Your School Lottery website to learn more about how it works and how to join.

Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!

Penalty Notices

Just to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive), they will be liable to receive a penalty notice.

Currently the amount payable under a penalty notice is £60.00 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days. Thereafter the amount increases to £120.00 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the penalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the Local Authority will consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court. 

Please note that penalty notices are issued per parent/carer per child so a family of two parents and two children will receive 4 penalty notices.

Information & Resources

Community Events Please click here to access our Community Events page.

School Tours

We are currently running prospective parent tours up until Christmas. If you know of anyone who might be interested in looking around Shawley for their child/children to join us please do let them know they can book a school tour via our school website: 

LEO Catering

School Meals

Our school catering provision is offered to all children across the Trust by LEO Catering, our in house catering supplier.  The menus are created and refreshed three times a year, catering for children with allergies and are available to view below.  Our menus follow government food standard guidelines and offer excellent value at £2.70 a day for a main meal, dessert, choice of salad bar, fresh bread daily and vegetarian and Halal options. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive a free meal funded by the government's Universal Infant Free School Meal grant and we encourage anyone in any year group who thinks they may be eligible to apply for free school meal funding to apply. 

Menus are available here:

Children in Years 3-6 will need to pay for their meals via Arbor.  Cost of a school meal is £2.70 per day, £13.50 per week.  Please ensure there are sufficient funds in your child's account in advance, otherwise no school dinner can be ordered and you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch.

For those children who do still bring in a packed lunch, you may have noticed that your child brings home some of their lunch as we encourage the children to take home uneaten food.  This enables you to see exactly what your child is eating at lunchtimes and adapt their lunch accordingly.  We ask that packed lunches include healthy options in line with our Healthy School status.  Children should not bring fizzy drinks or chocolate bars to school.

We have a number of children with nut allergies in school which means that all staff and parents must be vigilant about ingredients we use in school and items put into lunch boxes.  No nuts should be put into packed lunches. 

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil premium is additional funding allocated to all schools in England to support disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.  This budget includes pupils who are currently entitled to free school meals, have been free schools meals in the past six years (FSM ‘Ever 6’), children that are cared for or adopted from care and children whose parents are in the armed forces.

We would like to remind all parents who are eligible, to apply for the Pupil Premium Grant.  This grant enables the school to provide additional support to our children where needed.  Examples of this are, access to extra-curricular clubs and additional support with specific areas of the curriculum.

For more information and how to apply, please see below:

Applying for this grant is very simple, it can be done online - Find out more about Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Eligibility Checker

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

 If you feel you would like support in applying for this grant please contact the school office who will be happy to go through this process with you.  All applications are confidential within the school. 

Follow us on.......

Please help to promote our school by following us on Twitter and liking and retweeting our posts. This really does help promote the school and share all the positive things that are happening. 

Follow us on Twitter for updates @shawleyprimary your child: us: raise funds: