Click here for the Home Learning Guide for Year 6

This week's learning......

English - This week we have been planning and writing a diary entry from Stanley thinking about how he felt during the courtcase, his journey to Camp Green Lake and his first impressions of Camp Green Lake itself.

Maths -  We have been using BODMAS (Brackets, Orders, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction) to help children to solve calculations in the correct order. We have then moved onto the Long Multiplication method to solve 4-digit by 2-digit calculations.

Art - Our Art topic this term is transforming from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional.  This week we have been thinking about redesigning packaging.

PSHE -  In PSHE this term our topic is 'Being Me in the World'. Over the last two week we have been looking at the lives of children living in Ghana who work in the cocoa plantations and thinking about how their wants and needs are similar and different to our own.

RE -  This term we are thinking about how Muslims show their commitment to God, this week we have been researching the 5 pillars of Islam and how Muslims use these to show their commitment. Last week we took a break from Islam to learn about the Hindu festival Raksha Bandhan. #

Science - Last week we learnt about the circulatory system and labelling the different parts of the heart. This week we have learnt about the digestive system and how water and nutrients are transported around our bodies.

Geography - Our topic this term in Geography is 'Our Changing World'. Last week we learnt about the three different types of weathering and what erosion was. This week we have been focusing on coastlines, the features we would find there and whether these are caused by erosion or deposition. Finally, we looked at some of the features around the UK coastline.

Upcoming learning......

English - We will be reading more of our book 'Holes' by Louis Sachar and writing an informal letter as well as writing a narrative. Our grammar focuses will be relative pronouns and parenthesis.

Maths - We will be moving onto long division, involving remainders and contextual word problems.

Geography - We will be continuing to look at the features of the coastline and how the boundaries of coastlines have changed over time.

Science - We will be carrying out an experiment looking at how exercise effects how our bodies function.