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This week's learning.....

In English, we have started our new book Paddington Bear. We enjoyed thinking of questions that we might want to ask Paddington and then we made our own 'Found' posters, thinking hard of all the information that we needed to include in our work. We fininshed off the week by writing simple sentences related to the story, trying hard to remember our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. 

In Maths, we completed our first Maths No Problem unit on numbers 1-10. We compared two quantities and found one more and one less than a given number up to 10. 

In Science, we have continued our work on senses by looking at our sense of taste. We had great fun trying to guess the flavour of some crisps and then we tried different foods and decided if they tasted; sweet, sour, bitter or salty.

In Geography, we  have been learning about Wales. We looked at what is the capital city, what the flag looks like and we even learnt the Welsh national anthem.

In Art, we have learnt how to draw a spiral and then we used chalk to make our spirals look really colourful. 

Upcoming learning.....

 Our topic for the half term is Teddy Travels

Maths - Number bonds to 10.

English - Retelling the story of Paddington Bear. 

Science - Looking at our sense of smell and our sense of taste.

Geography - Finding out about Northern Ireland.

Art - Making observational drawings.