Click here for the Home Learning Guide for Year 6

This week's learning......

English - This week we have begun reading our new English text, Holes by Louis Sachar. We have then looked at examples of Newspaper identifying their features with a focus on direct and reported speech. Finally, we planned our own newspaper based on the beginning of our book.

Maths -  In Maths this week, we have been revisiting and revising some of our past learning on shape before starting our first Maths topic next week.

Art - Our Art topic this term is transforming from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional. We have started looking at food packaging to identify what designs work well thinking about the colours and typography as well as images used.

PSHE -  In PSHE this term our topic is 'Being Me in the World', we have started by thinking about our goals for the year ahead, any worries we have and how we can help to reduce these worries.

RE -  This term we are thinking about how Muslims show their commitment to God. This week we thought about what commitment is and what is needed to be commited to something.

Upcoming learning......

Next week in Maths we will be starting our 'Number and Place Value' topic. In English, we will be writing our newspaper reports including direct and reported speech. We will also begin our Science unit which is 'Animals including humans' starting looking at the circulatory system. In Geography we will be looking at erosion and weathering.