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This week's learning...

A big well done to Year 2 for a fantastic start to the Autumn term!

Over the last week in maths Year 2 have been working on their Place Value skills. We have been counting in tens and ones from any number. In English this week we have been writing creative sentences using adjectives, remembering our capital letters and full stops. In RE this week we made ‘Thank You’ cards, thinking about reasons why we are thankful to our friends and family. 

Upcoming learning...

Our topic is: Our Wonderful World

Maths: In maths we will be deepening the understanding of the place value of each digit in 2-digit numbers using number bonds and counting in 2s, 3s, and 5s. 

English: In English our Power of Reading book will be The Day the Crayons Quit. We will be creating our own riddles and performing them to each other. 

Science:  In science we will be continuing our work on Materials.

Geography: We will be continuing to learn about the different continents. We will be looking at Australia and Asia over the next few weeks. 

Art: In Art we will be going on a nature walk around the school and drawing line observations of what we can see.