We have had a great time in Polar Bears class this week, the children have been completing half days to settle them into school life here at Shawley. They have all been so keen and enthusiastic to come in and explore our classroom and outside area. As a class we have been thinking of our own class rules and how we can follow them in school. 

Our story of the week has been 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson and we have been naming our favourite animals from the story.  We have been very creative this week and have painted some wild animals. We have even made our own loose part self portraits where we thought about the different materials we could use for our facial features. 

Upcoming learning.....

Maths - We will be singing maths nursery rhymes and practice counting to 10. We will also learn how to show finger representations of different numbers. 

English - Over the next two weeks, we will be reading Peace at Last by Jill Murphy and The Tiger who came to Tea by Judith Kerr. We will also be starting phonics lessons next week to begin our journey of reading and writing. 

Topic - We will be role playing with people who help us and we will be also discussing different celebrations we celebrate. 

Art - We will be exploring different materials and mark making.