YEAR 4/5

Click here for the Year 4/5 Guide to Home Learning

This week's learning...

In Maths, year 4 have looked at place value and have been comparing and ordering numbers. 

In English, year 4 started a new text, 'Escape from Pompeii' and wrote a poem using expanded noun phrases.

In Year 5 Maths lessons this week, we have been learning to read, write and compare numbers up to 1,000,000.  We have enjoyed using place value counters and digit cards to represent 6 digit numbers on a place value chart.

In English, year 5 have been have looked at the features of a diary and have been writing our own diary entries in the style of Ted, the main character in our class novel, 'The London Eye Mystery.'

In History this week, Year 4 and 5 learned about the Celts and Romans, depicting what we had found out about their battle techniques through a freeze frame snapshot of battle. We also started learning about Salsa percussion instruments in Music this week - the children were very enthusiastic to participate!

Upcoming learning...

Next week in Maths, year 4 will be looking at number patters and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000. In English next week, the children will be writing a descriptive passage about a volcanic eruption. 

Next week, Year 5 will be looking at number patterns and learning how to round 6 digit numbers to the nearest 10,000.  We will record our own newsflashes concerning the mysterious disappearance of Ted's cousin from the London Eye and we will start to plan our own newspaper reports.

In History, the children will be learning about the role that Boudicca played in the rebellion against the Roman invasion. In Science,  the children will be finding out about the dangers of electricity.