Trustee Job Description 

Job Title: Trustee



Salary Range: Voluntary

Term of Office: Four years

Job Purpose: The Trustees oversee the management and administration of the Trust and the Academies run by the Trust.



The corporate management and trustee responsibility for the Trust is vested in the Trustees, who will also be the company Trustees registered with Companies House. The Trustees are personally responsible for the actions of the Trust and the Academies and are accountable to the Members of the Trust, the Secretary of State for Education and the wider community for the quality of the education received by all pupils of the Academies and the expenditure of public money.

The Trustees are required as trustees and pursuant to the Funding Agreements to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of the quality, safety and good practice of the affairs of the Trust.

Specific responsibilities of the Trust Board and Trustees

The role of the Trust Board and the Trustees collectively is to:

Core Competencies

The following core competencies and skills expected of the Trustees are that they will:


Personal qualities and values – to have:

Education and training – to have:

Experience of:



Legal Requirements:

Individuals may not serve as a Trustee unless they are able to make the following declarations:

Trustees are required to complete the following declarations annually:

Additional responsibilities for the Lead trustee for safeguarding & inclusion

Safeguarding lead trustee role descriptor 

The lead trustee for safeguarding is a volunteer from within the board who has skills, experience and confidence in the area of safeguarding. They must undertake training to ensure their knowledge stays up to date, but they will not be the only trustee with knowledge of safeguarding. They must take on three main sets of duties related to safeguarding in addition to their wider responsibilities as a trustee.



Effective policy and practice

Creating the right culture

Support from the Chair 

The Chair should make sure that the lead trustee for safeguarding either has the required knowledge, skills, and experience or is supported to develop these. 

This can include: