Safeguarding Lead Role

There is a requirement for Academy Trusts to have a Safeguarding Trustee. To support the Safeguarding Trustee the Trust Board has delegated Academy Committees to have a Lead Safeguarding Academy Committee member. 

The Safeguarding Academy Committee member would have broad responsibility to champion all aspects of safeguarding in the school including e-safety. 

The remit for this role includes: 

The Chair of the Academy Committee will liaise with the Principal and the Trust over matters regarding confidential child protection issues involving allegations against staff. 

Questions a Safeguarding Lead Academy Committee member might ask during their visit: 

You don't need to, and shouldn't, ask all these questions in one meeting. Ask these questions in meetings and visits throughout the year.

Do pupils feel protected and safe? How do you know?

What you might expect in a response

The designated safeguarding lead (DSL) might refer to evidence such as:

Are there effective safeguarding, pupil behaviour and staff behaviour policies that are well understood by everyone?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Are there systems in place for children to confidently report abuse and for their concerns to be treated seriously?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Are staff and other adults clear about procedures where they're concerned about the safety of a child, including if children go missing from school?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Do you have effective procedures in place for identifying possible mental health problems among pupils, and do all staff know what these procedures are?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Do staff receive training on protecting children?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

How do you make sure written records are made in a timely way, kept up to date, stored securely and shared appropriately?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

How are safeguarding risks known by adults and shared with external agencies where appropriate?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Do all staff have a copy of and understand the written procedures for managing allegations of abuse against staff? Do these procedures cover the 2 levels of concern?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Are safer recruitment procedures in place?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

How are discrimination and peer-on-peer abuse tackled in school?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

What online safety measures are in place?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

How is the Prevent duty implemented? Are there clear procedures in place to protect children at risk of radicalisation?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Can you tell me how you teach children about safeguarding, and is this training contextualised for more vulnerable children?

What you might expect in a response

The DSL might refer to evidence such as:

Other questions to consider:

What is the role of the DSL?

Do children know who to go to if they are worried about something?

Who is responsible for checking and updating the single central record and are ACMs included? 

When are new DBS checks carried out on existing staff?

What were the outcomes of your last safeguarding audit? What actions have been completed so far?

What is attendance like for Safeguarding children?  

What systems does the school have in place for visitors to the school? How do we ensure they safeguard our children?