NEWSLETTER - 15th September 2023

It has been lovely seeing all of the children back in school over the last two weeks.  Children in all year groups have settled into their new routines and have been busy either getting to know their new teachers or getting back up to speed with teachers that they have previously been taught by.

As this is the first newlsetter of the new school year, I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome the new members of our staff.  Mr Lyne is a new teacher in Year 5, working in Rowling Class.  Our new sports team consists of Mr Nurse, Mr Sanders and Miss Harbison.  We also have a number of new teaching assistants and midday supervisors across both sites who are supporting various children in class and outside in the playground: Ms Fitzgerald, Mr Lucas, Mrs Thatavarty, Mr Phillips, Mrs Brooks and Mrs Srivatava.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say a massive "thank you" to the PTFA who have provided the funds for our new playground equipment on both sites (photos below).  The Reception playground on the Molesey Site now boasts a fantastic new climbing frame for the children to use and improve their motor skills.  On the Kingston Site, a new outdoor gym has already proven very popular with the children.  Both of these projects would not have been possible without the fundraising of the PTFA so, on behalf of the very lucky children of Cheam Park Farm, thank you!  This thanks extends also to all of the parents who support the fundraising efforts of our amazing PTFA by helping and/or visiting events that raise money for these projects.  We are already thinking about what the next project can be and I know that the PTFA are keen to share ideas of what we will be saving up for next in the near future.

Next, I would also like to say a big "thank you" to FM Conway who very generously added or refreshed and improved line markings on both sites just before the children returned to school.  Once again, photos are included below and you can see that the children have been very lucky to have these markings added to the playground in order to extend the amount of playtime activities available to them. 

Please remember that these fotnightly newsletters contain information about upcoming events and celebrates pupil achievements.  There is also a dates section via the link at the top of the newsletter, a dedicated section for each year group and a section with information about clubs, community events and information from outside providers.

Once again, welcome back to a new school year and thank you in advance from all of the staff for the support that you will be providing your children this year as we work together to provide the very best education for the children of Cheam Park Farm.

Mr Hudson.

PTFA Fundraising Purchases....

FM Conway groundwork....

Pupil Leadership Team

At the end of the summer term, we ask Year 5 teachers to nominate four children from their class who they feel represent our school and its values. From these nominations, the children then take part in giving a school tour and having an interview with Mr Hudson and Miss Potter. After an intense morning, we are proud to announce our new Pupil Leadership Team for this year. 

Well done to all nominees - it was a very high standard this year. 

Chairperson - Emily  

Vice Chairperson - Ray

Secretary - Evelyn 

Treasurer - Dhinesh

Inclusion - Ava

Opporunities -Alfie 

Curriculum - Nicolas

Well-Being - Advikaa

We are looking forward to more Pupil Voice groups forming over the rest of the term. 



This week, staff have been trained in our new online platforms 'Century' and 'Numbots'. 

Century will be used for both English and maths for Years 2-6. 

Numbots will be used for maths in EYFS and KS1. 

More information about logins and how we will be using the system will be coming to your shortly. 


As you will be aware, we are having a 'big push' on reading this term and are trying to promote a wide variety of books. Everyone morning on the Kingston Site, children are starting their day with reading and trying to track how much they can read across a book linked to their own personal targets. We would like this reading to continue at home also. 

During the school day, all children at Cheam Park Farm will be hearing a diverse collection of books and will enjoy chatting about books in their classes. 

If you have any books that your child no longer enjoys, please think about donating them to school so that other children may enjoy them also. Just drop them in to the School Office and we will hand out to classes. 



Does your child require a healthcare plan whilst in school?  If so, please complete this form with all of the necessary details.


If you, or anybody you know, would be interested in a catering role in school we currently have a couple of vacancies.  Please click this link for further information and to apply.


On Friday every week we hold a Celebration Assembly where we award one child per class a 'Star of The Week' certificate.  This is given to children who have impressed their teachers throughout the course of the week.  We also give one child per class a 'Be The Best You Can Be' certificate for demonstrating our Excellent Learner values. Finally, we also award a 'Rights Respecting' certificate to one child per class for demonstrating behaviour and attitudes that reflect our Rights Respecting approach  in school.

Our winners for this weeks are...

Molesey Site

Molesey Drive

Sutton SM3 9UU

Tel: 020 8644 7415


Kingston Site

Kingston Avenue

Sutton SM3 9UE

Tel: 020 8644 8969
