
Day 1: In the morning, I had to get up early because I was going to the airport with Nore. For me, it wasn't that hard because I hadn't slept anyway since I was looking forward to it so much. When we were in the car, it was very cozy because I know her parents very well. We were a bit early, but we had a nice coffee to make sure we were awake. The check-in and security check went smoothly. Then we had some free time at the airport, and I bought a perfume from Jean Paul Gautier because I had wanted it for a long time. Once on the plane, I was a bit tired, so I slept a little. The landing was a bit rough, but okay, and we didn't have much turbulence. After that, we had a long bus ride, but it wasn't boring because there was a nice atmosphere. When we arrived, the teacher from Sweden said that Nore, Delphine, and I had to stay on the bus a little longer because it was going to Ostra Ryd. Our host family was waiting for us there and welcomed us. They were very kind.

Day 2: We went to school and took a lesson there and it was very interesting. Then we went to the mountain that was pretty high so it wasn't whitout sweating but we beautiful sunshine. We also made cinnamon rolls and ate them at the end of the day. When we got home we ate spaghetti bolognese.

Day 3: First we got to the school and did the presentation after that we had a math class but the excersices were pretty easy. Then we had some free time and got to the Focus and chilled a little. For lunch we ate kip curry with rice and it was not that delicious. We also went to Norrköping and visited the visualiceringscentre it was really interesting. Then we jumped at the trampoline park and it was fun but I had pain in my head. When we got home we ate wok.

Day 4: When I got up I was already a bit late so I had to have a quick breakfast. Then we took the bus to Norrköping and then the bus to the zoo. We had a guided tour of the zoo. When we got back home I made dinner and they really liked it.

Day 5: In the morning ate alone because everyone was still sleeping and then we got to the bus but we almost missed it. When we were in school we did a quiz about music and it was really fun, then we did a drawing class and I was in a very fun group. After we ate we got to a burning trash park but it was wierd because it wasn't whit our hostfriends. When we arrived we needed to turn of our phones and everyone thought it was pretty strange. Then we got back to our homes and when we arrived home we had 30 min to get ready because we were about to eat at the place were Elsa works. The food in the restaurant was super delicieus and strange but to say it all in once it was a very funny day.

Day 6: In the morning, I had to get up extra early because I had to pack my suitcase. I only had breakfast because everyone else was still sleeping. Then I quickly took a nice warm shower and said goodbye to Simon, Tintin, and Elsa because we wouldn't see them again. We took the bus to school for the last time, and Simon said he would bring our suitcases later. At school, we finished our drawings from the day before. After that, we played a game where we had to work together with everyone in our group, which was very interesting and fun. We then had an English lesson where we did a task first and then a Quizlet. For lunch, we had fish sticks, which were very tasty. After lunch, we had a Quiz Walk, which was a lot of fun. We ended up on a mountain in a bus and had some fun there. Our last activity was going bowling and eating with our friends, which was also very enjoyable because it turns out I'm pretty good at bowling. Sadly, we had to say goodbye to our families and friends, some of whom were crying. Then we took the bus to Stockholm, and when we arrived, we had to walk for another 20 minutes. Once we got to the hotel, we noticed that the room was quite small but just right. We also ate McDonalds as dinner in the evening.



Day 7: I was already awake from seven o'clock because I couldn't sleep anymore due to too much noise. Then I had to completely unpack my suitcase again because I had forgotten to lay out my clothes. The breakfast was very tasty even though it was quite simple. After breakfast, we took a 50-minute walk to the ABBA museum. It was very fun there because we could see many things like the clothes they wore at their performances, and we could even sing and dance ourselves. After the enjoyable visit, we had to walk to the old town, which was another 30 minutes, but the fifth graders were allowed to walk freely. Once we arrived in the old town, it was already half past one, and we could eat somewhere nearby. I had a pizza, but the others had a waffle or a sandwich, and Yaro got his meal for free. Then we visited the old town, which wasn't very big, and we even saw a man dressed as Robin Hood. After that, we went to the shopping street, where we had two hours free time. I bought a gift for my mom and dad. At six o'clock, we had to meet at the restaurant where we were going to eat. I chose ribs and for dessert, an ice cream. Later, we first went to the Hard Rock café and then back to the hotel. We hung out in room 30 with a group at the hotel, and then we went to sleep.

Day 8: Last night I woke up because Nore had thrown up in the hallway. I slept well the rest of the night, but in the morning, I heard that Jasper had also thrown up. Then I went to breakfast and packed my suitcase because we wouldn't be able to go back to our room later. At ten o'clock, we left for the museum of the old boat, but without Jasper. This walk lasted another 40 minutes. Once we arrived there and went inside, you could immediately see the big boat, which was very old but very beautiful. After that, we walked back and were allowed to choose where to eat. I had pizza again, but this time with kebab. At 2:00 PM, we were back at the hotel to pick up our luggage. With our luggage, we walked 20 minutes to the train, and the train ride was 18 minutes to the airport. At the airport, we checked in and went through security. After that, we had some free time to buy something small. Finally, we took off again at 3:20 PM. When I got home I directly ate french fries.