Forest Kindergarten

Classroom & Assignments Page

Hello Forest Explorers!

You have discovered our classroom page! I'm glad you are here and hopefully soon we will be outside together discovering amazing things in our forest!

Below you will find our classroom schedule. There are goals for the morning and the afternoon. Some activities I would like you to do each day, some are suggestions or ideas for enrichment.

I look forward to seeing you online each morning at 8:00 for a worship and hello time. In the afternoon if you have any questions about activities I will be online from about 2-2:30.

We will have fun as we try something new together!! Love, Mrs. Hagan

Classroom Schedule

Activities in BOLD should be done each day. Other activities are suggestions to choose from.

Morning Goals

8:00-8:30 Morning Meeting on Zoom

1. Movement

    • Walks
    • Play Outside
    • GoNoodle
    • Other Exercise/Movement Videos

2. Bible

    • Bible story and activities in Weekly Folder
    • Your Story Hour
    • Bible Videos on YouTube
    • Other Bible Activities/Crafts of your choice

3. Academics ( see explanations in weekly folders)

    • Activities in Weekly Folder
    • ABC flashcards
    • Word Family Cards (K only)
    • Sight Word Cards (K only)

Afternoon Goals

2:00-2:30 Time with Teacher on Zoom--a time for parent or student to ask questions about activities.

1. Quiet Time

2. Creative Time

3. Online Learning

April 1, 2020

I found these along side the road that we live on when we went for a walk today. Most of these are very small. Can you figure out what they are? If you are able to, right click on the image and select to open it in a separate tab. Then zoom in on the picture. Look at the detail even in these very small plants! God has made some amazing things for us to see, if we only take the time to look closely!!

In each section below there will be videos and links to other activities you can choose from. Check back throughout the week to see if anything new has been added.

Get Up and Go!!

Week 2 Get Up and Go! :

  • This week our theme is Rain! What do animals do in the rain? Do some hop? Crawl? Slither? Hide? Swim? What would it be like to be an animal in a rainstorm? For a fun exercise activity this week pretend you are an animal in the rain. What would you do? How would you move? If you observe animals, some even seem to know when it is going to rain. Do they fly, run, swim back to their homes? For even more fun, ask your parents if you can go outside on a rainy day and do these animal movements!!

Other Activities


Bible Story Week 1--Jesus Loves the Little Children

Bible Story Week 2--Easter

Bible Story Week 4--Lazarus


Week 1 Reading Challenge:

  • Can you find all the letters of the alphabet in old newspapers and magazines and cut them out and glue them in order in your sketchbook? Can you tell the name and sound of all of them? Kindergarten--how many sight words can you find and read around the house?
  • Week 1 Word Family Readers: (you need Google Slides to view)

"an" word family book "ap" word family book

Week 2 Reading Challenge--April 6-10

    • Click the link below to go to Scholastic Learning Online and scroll down to Day 15 Science--What is Rain? Read/Listen to the stories and do the activities.

What is Rain?

    • Have your mom or dad read this poem about rain to you. Try to memorize it this week! Draw a picture of the poem.

Ladybug Poem

Ladybugs are about the size of a raindrop! What would that look like? What if raindrops were as big as you? Draw a picture of what that would look like!!

Week 4 Reading Challenge--April 20-24

    • Our theme is Birds!! Click the link below to go to Scholastic Learning Online and scroll down to Day 10-Animal Studies-Roosters, Hens, and Chicks. Read/Listen to the stories and pick some of the activities.

Roosters, Hens and Chicks

    • Have your mom or dad read this poem to you. Draw a picture for the poem--a hen guarding the eggs in her nest, or a hen chasing someone away from her nest or something else that shows what is happening in the poem

The Hen

Week 5 Reading Challenge--April 27-May 1

    • The theme this week is plants! Click the link below to go to Scholastic Learning Online and scroll down to Day 2--Living Things--Plants. Read/Listen to the stories and pick some of the activities.

Living Things-Plants

Week 7 Reading Challenge: Rocks and Minerals

    • The theme this week is rocks and minerals! Click the link below to go to Scholastic Learning Online and scroll down to Day 8 . Read/Listen to the stories and pick some of the activities
    • Rocks and Minerals

Week 8 Reading Challenge: Caterpillar to Butterfly

      • The theme is Butterflies!! Click the link below to go to Scholastic Learning Online and scroll down to Day 13. Read/Listen to the stories and pick some of the activities.


Other Activities

    • Sight Word Mats: Here's a fun way to practice those words!
    • Literacy Games
    • Easter Egg Hunt: If you have or can get some easter eggs this is a fun activity to practice names and sounds of letters and ABC order. Write each letter of the alphabet on separate pieces of paper and put a letter in each easter egg. Hide the eggs and have your child look for them. As they find each egg, your child says the name and sound of the letter inside, then have your child put the letters in order. If you have no plastic eggs, you could just hide the letters around the house and still search for them.


Week 1 Number Challenge:

  • How many numbers can you find in newspapers and magazines around the house and cut out and glue in your sketch book? Ask your mom or dad if you can cut out some numbers and glue them in your spiral bound sketchbook. Can you put them in order from least to greatest? Can you make an addition sentence with some of the numbers (like 4+2=6)? Can you name them all? How high can you count with them?

Week 2 Number Challenge:

  • Our theme this week is Rain. Do you know what makes a rainbow? How many colors are in a rainbow? Find a picture of a rainbow and count the colors. How many are there? Sometimes, you can see a double rainbow! How many colors would be in a double rainbow? Draw a picture in your sketchbook of a a double rainbow and carefully count how many colors there are and write the number under your rainbow. Can you write an addition sentence showing the number of colors in one rainbow plus the number of colors in another rainbow, equals how many colors altogether?

(example ____colors + ____colors = ______colors)

Week 4 Number Challenge:

  • Our theme is birds. Some people like to study birds. Studying birds is called Ornithology. When scientists study birds, sometimes they will capture them, put a band on their leg to identify them and then let them go. They will count how many of each kind of bird they see in an area and keep track of how many birds stay in one area, or travel to other areas to migrate. Let's see how many birds you can count in your area! Spend some time outside each day and count how many birds you see. Keep track on a chart for a week. Write down each day of the week how many birds you see that day. Stick to one area for your counting. For example if you count birds in your back yard on Monday, count again in your backyard each day the rest of the week. After you write down how many birds you saw each day, make a graph. Which day had the most? Which day had the least amount? Did any days have the same amount? Here is an example of a chart and a graph you can make. Bird Chart and Graph example.

You can also draw pictures of some of the birds you saw and show how many of that kind of bird you saw. For example maybe you saw 3 cardinals, or 4 mockingbirds. Draw a cardinal and write that you saw 3 of them, etc.

Other Activities:


Week 1 Nature Challenge:

  • We go to school in the state of Georgia! Can you find the name of the state Bird, Flower and Tree? Have your mom or dad or brother or sister help you find them and I will ask you at the end of the week. Print pictures of each if you can and we will share them on Friday. Shhh! Don't share it before Friday!!!

Week 2 Nature Challenge:

  • This week, let's learn about rain!! Find out about how rain is formed in this song--The Water Cycle Song

Then, see if you can make a picture illustrating how the water cycle works and rain (or sleet or snow or hail) is formed!

  • Go to Brain Pop Jr. to watch and do activities about the Water Cycle.

(you need to sign up for free access)

Week 4 Nature Challenge: Birds

  • Watch for birds building nests! We have a nest right now at our house that a pair of birds built on top of the drain spout! It's amazing how birds can put together and secure nest with only a beak and two feet! Some nests are tiny--a hummingbird nest is about the size of a ping pong ball! And some nest are huge--the largest nest ever found was a bald eagles nest, 9 feet wide and 6 feet deep!! Do you think our whole class could fit in there?

God gave them the ability to make a safe spot for their eggs. What do you see the birds putting in their nests? Twigs? Grass? Bits of paper? Eagles use large branches. Some birds use a little mud. Sometimes they will take pieces of yarn you leave out for them to weave into their nests!

Take a look at some of these videos about birds building nests:

See if you can build a nest! Think about the materials a bird uses and collect some of those things. If you have or can find an abandoned nest, or carefully observe one that is being used right now, notice how the birds have weaved the materials together. See if you can do the same thing with your materials. Take a picture and send it to me so I can see your marvelous creations!!

Week 7 Nature Challenge: Rocks and Minerals

Other Activity Ideas:

Creative Time

Week 1 Art Project:

  • Wednesday is the first day of April!! There is a saying for April "April Showers Bring May Flowers" This week can you make a picture with umbrellas and rain? On Wednesday I will post a video of how to draw an umbrella and how to draw rain drops. Can you put them together in a picture!! What will you use? Watercolors, crayons, markers, colored pencils, chalk?

Week 2 Art Project:

  • Make a rain picture! Have you ever been outside with something you drew or wrote and had raindrops fall on it? Did the rain make it smudge and the colors run? Let's make a picture where we want the rain to make a picture for us! First, paint a picture with your watercolors or use markers or poster paint. Paint some shapes or blocks of color. Put the picture outside for a short amount of time when it is supposed to rain (the forecast says Tuesday will be a rainy day!) The patterns made in the colors can be very interesting. How long can your picture be in the rain before it washes away? What designs to you have when you bring it back inside? Try a few different kinds of pictures and put them out for different amounts of time and see what happens. Even try other things like colored chalk. Do the colors splatter or run together? Have fun experimenting with color and water!

Other Art Activities: