First & Second Grades

Classroom & Assignments Page

Hello my Ducklings!

Welcome to our online classroom page! I'll be sharing fun stuff to keep the learning going while we're away from the classroom.

Please do your work packet, write some stories, READ, and spend time with your family. I can't wait to talk to you over the next few weeks.

I miss you already,

Mrs. Mancao

Classroom Schedule

Morning Objectives

8:30-9:00 - Morning Meeting on Zoom

    1. Movement - (Choose One)
    2. Worship - (Choose One)
    3. Academic Time
      • Work Packet
      • Writing Journal
      • Reading

Afternoon Objectives

2:00-2:30 - Time with Teachers on Zoom

    1. Life Skills - (Choose One)
      • Cooking
      • Laundry
      • House Chores
    2. Online Learning - (Choose One)
    3. Creative Time - (Choose One)

Friday Schedule

8:15-8:45 - Chapel Meeting

11:00-11:30 - Meeting with Mrs. Dorn

Note to Parents

I hope you are able to spend some quality time with your children during these crazy times. Read the Bible together, pray, and create a routine as much as you can. Encourage them to work daily on the packet we've sent home, read with them, and get out in the sunshine whenever possible. Above all, don't stress. God is as work! Reach out, stay got this!