Online Classroom Behavior Expectations

Dress Code & Behavior

  • Students and faculty should appear online wearing modest clothing appropriate for a learning experience. Although remaining in the home, students should avoid wearing pajamas, immodest clothing, or items with language/pictures contrary to the Christian belief system.
  • Clothing or jewelry or behavior that causes a distraction to the learning experience will result in the video conference camera being muted until the situation is resolved.

Computer Placement

The Learning Tree Elementary School Online instructional program includes video conferencing as part of the instructional process. Students should identify an appropriate learning area within their home that will not be a distraction to the learner or the teacher or class. Keep in mind that the video camera will be on and will share with fellow learners whatever is within its view. Therefore, this camera/computer should never be utilized in the bathroom or other such personal/intimate areas or settings.

Log In Etiquette

Upon logging in to a video conference session through Zoom, your microphone will be muted until permission is given for you to unmute it. This allows the teacher to focus on instruction without the background noise of multiple home settings. When necessary, the teacher will call on individual students or a group of students to speak, and then it will be necessary to unmute the microphone prior to speaking. Smaller class sizes may be able to handle unmuting. That decision will be at the discretion of the teacher.

Needing Help while on Zoom?

While on Zoom, if you are muted and you need your teacher's assistance, please first try asking the question in the chat section available on Zoom. Teachers will be watching student interaction via the video, as well as communicating with the class through the chat. If you need help when you are not on Zoom, please reach out to your teacher via an email or texting or calling if there is a cell number provided. The email addresses and contact info are located on the Virtual Office Contact page.

Family and Sibling Access

During some learning experiences, family members or siblings are welcome to join in. Specifically, this is appropriate during worship and Bible periods. We look forward to sharing with our families and community!

If however, the visitors become a distraction, we will ask the student to move to a space more suitable for learning. When necessary, the teacher will terminate the video conference feed until the problem is resolved.

Note: Meeting family members, including pets, may be something we encourage at the beginning of our online experience. However, as time progresses, if they become a distraction, we would ask the student to move to a different location conducive to learning.

Online Content Access & Monitoring

Even when students take home their Chromebooks, Learning Tree Elementary School still has capabilities to monitor the online access students that utilize on their provided Google accounts. Although the content in each home may not be filtered, during school hours, the school will continue to monitor, track, and address students if anyone is accessing inappropriate content. Please keep this in mind that as students log in with their school email address, all student account actions are monitored during school hours. Email and chat between faculty and students, as well as between students, is also monitored.

While students are doing school at home, parents are ultimately the on-site supervisors of their child's online activities. Parents, as you know, much counsel has been given for families to make sure their children use computers in a central part of the house, where the screen can be seen easily; thus minimizing the temptation to get sidetracked from studies, whether the distraction is playing games or visiting inappropriate sites. Thank you for helping to create a secure place for your child to work online!

Students, we thank you ahead of time for reflecting Jesus in all interactions and choices online!

Computer Usage Reminders

Computers are school property. If damaged, students are responsible to pay replacement or repair cost up to $300.

Please keep this in mind that as students log in with their school email address, all student account actions are monitored during school hours. Email and chat between faculty and students, as well as between students, is also monitored.

Students, we thank you ahead of time for reflecting Jesus in all your interactions and choices online!