Frequently Asked Questions

How will attendance be recorded?

Each day the school office will send an attendance email to the chosen supervising adult. Please respond to the email regarding your child's attendance status. There will be four choices within the email: 1)Attending, 2)Attending - Not logging in, 3)Absent -Sick, 4) Absent-Other. Thank you for returning these each day. The office will keep the official record of attendance.

Does my child have to be present at each online session?

  • Yes, for students to be present for online Zoom Meeting sessions is part of the daily instruction.
  • Online Zoom Meetings are also where daily attendance is taken.
  • The Zoom Meeting sessions are designed to provide a sense of connection and community between students, as well as provide necessary instruction for the assignment. Just as a child that misses school may struggle to make up the work, missing online sessions may cause stress for the child as well. Should you be unable to make a session due to technical difficulties, illness, or other extreme circumstances, please let your child's teacher or the office know immediately.
  • Daily Master Schedule & Full List of Zoom Classroom Meeting Links

How do I enter my Zoom Classroom? Where are the links?

There are multiple links in the website, but you can below to see the Daily Master Schedule and find all the Zoom Classroom links.

I can't get Zoom to download on my computer or Chromebook or it's giving me an error message that I am blocked by the administrator. What do I do?

We are trying our best to help everyone with this problem. We believe that we force installed this on all the Chromebooks late last night, HOWEVER, it says that those settings SOMETIMES take up to 24 hours to take effect. Please continue trying. If we aren't able to get it to work by tomorrow, we will reevaluate.

In the meantime, it is possible to join the meeting in your browser instead of the app. The kids won't be able to see everyone at once, but they will still be a part of the meeting.

Joining a meeting using your browser instead of the app.

  1. When you click the meeting link on the website it will ask you to download.
  2. Click cancel (sometimes have to do it more than once)
  3. A little link will appear on the bottom of the box that asks you if you want to join Zoom in the browser.
  4. Click on that link and it should still allow you to join the meeting.

Contact Mrs. Knowlton if you are still having trouble. Thank you for your patience - by the end of the week we will all be pros!

What is the difference between Zoom, Google Classroom, and the Online Classroom Pages? I'm confused.

Where will my child get the assignments?


  • K-2 students have an Online Classroom & Assignments Page that gives the overview and any announcements for each week. Students will also be following the instructions given with their packets.


  • For an overview and some links to 3rd-8th weekly assignments go to the Online Classroom Page and Assignments.
  • For details of certain assignments, 3rd-8th need to access Google Classroom.
    • Each child in 3rd-8th has been provided an email and password for their Google account. After logging in, they will need to click the Google Classroom icon located under the nine dots in the upper right hand corner. When the Google Classroom icon is clicked, a list of the classes your child belongs to will pop up. The assignments for each day will be located here. Students in grades 5-8 have already practiced logging in to their account and locating this icon. For those in 3rd-4th, we will be assisting you with this during the roll out week.
    • Google Classroom Access Instructions

What if I can't help my child with the homework?

Our staff have worked diligently to prepare lessons that can easily be supported by parents and grandparents. Unfortunately, for middle school students, this may be increasingly difficult. Within the video conference session on Zoom, there is a space for an online chat with the teacher. If you can't help your child with a specific assignment or topic, please reach out to the teacher via email (or a phone call if a number is listed in their contact info), so that they can arrange a time or way assist you.

Teachers will also be available for student questions at their daily "Time With Teacher" Zoom meetings scheduled Monday through Friday 2:00 to 2:30 and Friday from 11:00-11:30.

Will my child be in front of the computer all day?

No. We planned the schedule so there can be a balance of screen time, individual work time, and activities for spiritual and physical health. While we strive to maintain our spiritual focus and family atmosphere through the opportunity to interact online with each other, much care has been taken to provide balance during this challenging time. Students will need to log in to their computer to see the assignments and to participate in Zoom conferences. Teachers will post assignments to their Online Classroom Pages on a daily and/or weekly basis. There are 1-3 online Zoom sessions scheduled daily for each classroom.

My family is experiencing financial challenges. What resources are available?

We are sorry to hear of your family's financial challenges. Life is tough right now, and we are anticipating that it may be tougher for some of you than it is for others. We are a school family and families press together and help each other during difficult times. If you are having a hard time with anything--whether it's paying your tuition or needing help getting supplies--please contact Mrs. Brown (or cell 509.540.0747) or Mrs. Knowlton and let us know how we can help. If you need help paying tuition, please write a letter explaining your situation and what amount would help, and send the letter to both Mrs. Brown and the school treasurer, Natalie Knowlton Nobody here has a ton of money, but we serve a BIG God, and He has all the resources of heaven to provide for His kids! Over the years, we have seen God work miracles on behalf of our families. Thank you in advance of your timely communication regarding any need you may have. We are family and you are all in our prayers!

The computer doesn't work. What should we do?

Please call the office immediately. Phone: 706.278.2736. Thank you for understanding that your need will be addressed as soon as we are able to respond. Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton are the designated tech support people.

Also, all Zoom Classroom meetings can also be accessed through a tablet or smart phone by downloading the Zoom app if you cannot access or use a computer for some reason. Please contact us if you need help setting this up.

Our family doesn't have access to the internet. What should we do?

Please call the office and let us know if you don't have internet. Several companies are offering low cost or free access to those that financially qualify during this difficult time. While waiting for access, the faculty will prepare limited packets of classwork for these families who cannot access the internet.

Also, all Zoom Classroom meetings can also be accessed through a tablet or smart phone by downloading the Zoom app if you cannot access or use a computer for some reason. Please contact us if you need help setting this up.

When will the students be allowed to return to school?

The Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Education has voted to cancel all in-person learning until further notice. We are praying daily for our school family and community and world!

How is Attendance taken for online school days?

All students at Learning Tree Elementary School are expected to attend school each day either physically, or more recently, virtually. Just like regular school days, students are expected to be on time and attend each of their Zoom classes each day. Teachers will record attendance for each child attending Zoom classes each day. We understand that with the dynamics and newness of online schooling unforeseen circumstances, technical difficulties or sickness may cause your child to be unable to attend their Zoom class. If you are having technical difficulties, your child is sick or can otherwise not attend for any reason, please email your teacher or Mrs. Knowlton to let them know. Keeping communication open will help tremendously in helping your child's online learning experience run smoothly.

Our student is staying with friends or with another family during the day. What does the school need to know?

If your student is not going to be at your home during the day, please let us know who the supervising adult is going to be. If an academic issue or connection problem arises, we will know who to contact directly during the learning day. If this changes, please let the office know by calling 706.278.2736.

Also, all Zoom Classroom meetings can also be accessed through a tablet or smart phone by downloading the Zoom app if you cannot access or use a computer for some reason. Please contact us if you need help setting this up.

My student's younger sibling wants to watch, too. Is this ok?

Yes, we would love to have younger siblings watch. This works especially well for students in the PreK and K classroom settings. For those students in the middle or upper grades, this may be more difficult or the content may appear boring. Siblings should be careful not to distract the learning environment. If this does not work, please arrange a quiet space for your student to work in.

Parents are always welcome to observe online classes. However, since this is a professional classroom setting, please refrain from interacting with the teacher or other students during this time. If you need further assistance from the teacher, send an email requesting a time to meet before or after the academic day. During the hours of 8:15-3:00, the students' learning opportunities and experiences are the priority.

Do I have to supervise my child during the class periods?

Students should remain under the supervision of the adult in their home during this online learning experience. During the online class periods, the teacher does have limited vision of the student, but will be unable to directly supervise them. Learning Tree Elementary School utilizes various technology to limit the computer access during instructional sessions. The amount of direct supervision required will depend upon the developmental level and maturity of each student. Higher levels of supervision will be required at the beginning, but may subside as each child becomes more familiar with the daily schedule and expectations of this learning platform.

My child is arguing with me about how to do math. What should I do?

Please reach out to your child's teacher via email. They will make an online meeting appointment with both your child and family to work through the problem. Despite the difficulties we face in learning at this time, our staff remain available to assist families with meeting student learning expectations. Remember Monday-Thursday every teacher will be in their Zoom Classroom and you may talk face-to-face virtually with them at that time--Time With Teachers at 2PM and 11AM on Fridays!

My child finishes everything really fast. Do you have more work for them to do?

Check out the Learning Activity Resources page for available online resources. Students are also required to continue independent reading for 20-30 minutes each day. Students may also choose to work ahead on some assignments. In addition, we encourage families to explore artistic expression through journaling, pictures, blogging, vlogging, etc. Students may utilize their computer to access video editing software to accomplish these tasks. It is important during this time to take extra care of our health, so we highly encourage physical activity in the out-of-doors each day, along with drinking lots of water and eating healthy food. We all need to build up our immune systems to be able to withstand any attempted intrusion of this new virus.