Fifth to Eighth Grades Zoom & Google Classroom Page


Unless otherwise noted, go to the Zoom room for the teacher that teaches that class at the times listed below.

Thursday Schedule 1/28/2021

5th & 6th

  • 8:00 Worship

  • 8:15 English

  • 9:10 Bible

  • 10:15 Math

  • 12:45 Social Studies

7th & 8th

  • 8:00 Worship

  • 8:10 Math

  • 9:10 BIble - NOT ON ZOOM - read assignments

  • 10:15 English

  • 11:15 Reading

  • 12:45 Science


  • Work on Weekly Assignments

  • Typing Pal

  • Reading (BEAR)

  • Journaling

  • Physical Activity

  • Music

Friday Schedule 1/29/2021

5th & 6th

  • 8:20 Chapel (Mrs. Brown's Zoom Room)

  • 10:10 Math

  • 11:10 Social Studies

  • 12:25 Science

  • Wrap up Weekly Assignments


7th & 8th

  • 8:20 Chapel (Mrs. Brown's Zoom Room)

  • 9:10 Math

  • 11:10 Science

  • 1:10 Social Studies

  • Wrap up Weekly Assignments


We look forward to seeing you again next week!

5th & 6th Grade Assignments

January 28 & 29

Work Due by 3PM on Due Dates

Bible 5/6

  • Nothing due, just in-class work.

Math 5/6

Link to IXL


  • Assignment will be given by Mr. Knowlton in Class


  • Assignment will be given by Mr. Knowlton in Class

Language Arts 5/6


  • BEAR 3 is due. Posted for in Google Reading classroom

  • Begin BEAR Book Report Project. Posted in Google Reading classroom. Due next Wednesday

  • Spelling City assignment due Monday. Posted in Google English classroom


  • Personal Narrative rough draft and conferences due Thursday. Posted in Google English classroom

Social Studies 5/6

  • CNN10

  • Ch. 17 Imperial China Review

  • *The study guide was just emailed to you today (Wednesday afternoon).

Science 5/6


  • Finish Video from Wednesday in class

  • Discussion of STD's and the Video from Wednesday

7th & 8th Grade Assignments

January 28 & 29

Work Due by 3PM on Due Dates

Bible 7/8


    • TAG TIME - TAG stands for Time Alone with God.
      Today, I want you to spend at least 30 thoughtful minutes in quiet time with Jesus (more is better!). You can choose to read your Bible, read a devotional book, write in your prayer journal, turn on some Christian Music or listen to the Bible being read while you color a Bible verse etc. - whatever you feel your heart needs today.

    • When you are done with your quiet time. I'd like you to respond to the 3 questions in your Bible Google Classroom regarding your TAG time today.

    • Please note the personal notes that Mrs. Knowlton writes in your Google Classroom on your assignments.


  • Chapel at 8:20 AM

  • Don't forget you need to Memorize John 14:1-3.
    You can say it to me Monday for full credit.

Math 7/8

Link to IXL


    • Thursday: Complete 6.5 p. 280 #4-18

    • Friday: IXLs AA.12 and AA.13


    • Thursday: IXL R.5 and R.6

    • Friday: IXLs F.15 and F.18

Language Arts 7/8


  • BEAR 3 is due. Posted for 7-8 in Google Reading classroom

  • Begin BEAR Book Report Project. Posted in Google Reading classroom

  • Spelling City assignment due Monday. Posted in Google English classroom


  • Personal Narrative rough draft and conferences due Thursday. Posted in Google English classroom

Social Studies 7/8

    • CNN10

    • Ch. 17 Imperial China Review

    • *The study guide was just emailed to you today (Wednesday afternoon).

Science 7/8


  • Log into Zoom to watch Video in class - it will be a 54 minute video, so our class will be slightly longer today.

  • Please write down 3 questions you have regarding the video in your science journals. We will discuss those questions on Friday.


  • Discussion of STD's and the Video from Thursday


(Not currently updated)