Using the Blog Feature

You can have students showcase their learning, using the blog feature, embedded right in Seesaw. Students can write to an authentic audience to encourage quality work and the opportunity to receive feedback from a wider community of people. Seesaw blogs can be shared publicly or be protected by a password. Teachers control these settings and can oversee all student posts and comments before they become public. This means that each comment and post still needs to be approved by the teacher.

Teachers can connect students to other classroom blogs for another way students can share their learning and receive feedback from others. This can be done by the teacher creating a list of approved blogs that students can then access. This enables students to collaborate with others from another class, provide feedback, and develop digital wellness skills in a safe environment.

Note: Families must use the class blog URL to view the blog. They will not be able to access the blog through the family app.

Seesaw Blogs Mini-Training

Blogging with Seesaw: The Power of an Authentic Audience

Instructions on how to activate a class blog:

Step 1: In the settings (wrench icon), scroll to find "Enable class blog." Click the switch to make it green.

Step 2: A new window will pop up. You want to select, "Set Up Public Blog."

Step 3: Create a blog name. This could simply be your last name or course name. All Seesaw blogs start with, you can personalize what comes after. For example, I put democlasses, so the full blog URL becomes It will tell you if that URL name has already been used.

Step 4: In the settings, it is important to note that "Enable comments on class blog" is automatically switched on, so if you do not want this feature you need to make sure it is off. Also, this is where you can make your class blog password protected. Just click to turn on and select a password.

If everything went successfully, a new window will pop open and say, "Congratulations - Your blog is set up!"

Now, when you are on your main page for the class, you will see the Blog icon.