Class Settings

In your teacher account, click the wrench icon at the top, right corner.

A few things to be aware of, when you create your class the following items are automatically turned on.

  • Students can see each other's work

  • New items require approval

  • Enable item editing

  • Enable sample student

  • Student Likes & Comments

      • Enable student comments

      • New comments require approval

In the settings, you can

  • change the class colour theme and class icon.

  • allow family access. By turning this feature on, families can see their child's learning, see student work, and be part of their child's learning journey. Families will get notifications about new posts, and teachers can privately message families.

Note: When families connect, they can only view their individual child's work, group work that their child is tagged in, or posts that the teacher adds to "Everyone."

Customizing Class Settings

Managing Your Class Settings in Seesaw